Chapter 17

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"Alright, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything love?" I ask as I grab my car keys.

"More juice boxes for Darcy and some tea please." Louis responds, getting up from his spot on the couch.

"Okay. I love you. See you later." I say and Louis kisses me before hugging me tight. I hug back and smile. He always gets all protective when I leave the house by myself.

"Be careful out there." He says, pulling away from the hug.

"I promise I will. I love you more than anything." I say and Louis gives me his sunshine smile.

"I love you too." He says and I walk out to my car. I debated taking my motorcycle, but I realized that the groceries wouldn't fit. So I get in my black SUV instead.

I turn my music on before driving away from the house, already missing Louis.

As I'm driving, I think of how happy I am. How amazing my life is now. I smile as a drive. Well I do until I turn to see a red car flying towards me. That's when everything goes black, the last image in my head I Louis' face.

-----------------------(Louis POV)

It's been a while since Harry left. He always texts me when he gets to wherever he's going so I know he's okay.

I suddenly get a call. I look at the number and it's Harry. Thank god.

"Harry? I'm so glad you called. I was getting so worried." I say and when the person on the other end speaks, I realize right away that it's not Harry.

Hi Louis? This is officer Regan. I'm afraid that Mr. Tomlinson got into an accident and he is currently unconscious and in an ambulance headed towards the hospital. Can you meet us there?

"Uh yeah. Of course. I'll be there right away." I say, too shocked to cry just yet. Harry's hurt.

I drop Darcy off at my mum's house before rushing to the hospital. When I get there, I check in and go up to Harry's room.

"Hi, I'm officer Regan, I believe we spoke on the phone. Before you go in and see Harry, can we talk for a minute?" An officer with short, dark, curly hair says and I nod before following him to two chairs in the waiting room.

"So do you know of a Stan Samith?" The officer asks and my mouth goes dry.

"Uh, y-yeah. Why?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Well he's the one who smashed into your husband's car. He's alright, but he seems to be upset that Harry's alive. Which leads us to believe he crashed into Mr. Tomlinson on purpose. Do you know why he might do something like this?" He asks and my jaw drops.

"Well Stan bullied the both of us a lot in high school and now his son bullies our daughter." I explain and the officer nods.

"Well we're gonna bring him in for an interview later and we'll tell you how it goes." Officer Regan says and We exchange numbers so that he can update me on Stan.

I finally get to go in and see Harry. Thank God.

I walk into the small hospital room and see my Harry laying unconscious on the bland sheets of the bed. I start crying. This is all too familiar.

I still have nightmares about that day and that week. It was probably the wort couple of days of my life.

I mean just imagine the person you love more than anything in the entire world wanting to end their life and actually trying it. Then finding their lifeless body in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor. Like I said, I have nightmares all the time about it. Almost like I'm reliving it over and over again. And sometimes, I don't get there on time. And he's gone. Those are the worst.

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