Chapter Three

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Alyx's POV

I walked out the backdoor on the porch to see Lou with his head in his lap crying.  I just walked over to him lifted his head and looked him straight in the eye, "What happened in there?"  I asked as calmly and gently as I could.  "  I don't know he flipped out on me, I don't know what was going on I just sat back and I don't know!"  He embraced me in this hug and just let the tears fall, after knowing Lou for almost 3 years, I know he doesn't cry infront of people.    "Louis, is there something you need to tell me?"  He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. "Can you keep a secret, I just don't want people to freak out?"  The way he put it and from what was going on it almost seemed as Louis was doing something horrible, like he felt guilty.  "Louis what is it?"   "I saw something the same night Charlotte did, I kept my mouth shut, because I didn't want to scare people I especially can't scare Karly, but I don't want people to hate me." I was just...shocked. "Lou, no one is going to hate you!   But we should probably tell the-"  And that's when I was cut off with this piercing scream, from no other than my best friend and my boyfriend.   I have never moved so quick I grabbed Louis and we ran.  I had to make sure my Niall was okay.  When I got there I was stunned they were shaking.   My natural reaction was to run to Niall, but Lou held me back.  "What are you doing?"  I asked him.  "Just wait a second."  I remembered everything Louis said that something really did happen that Charlotte really did see a letter, but it was 8:00 at night what could happen.  I moved my way out of  Louis grip and ran to Niall who held me like he was going to lose me.  "Are you okay? What happened?"  He let tears stream down his face as Harry ran to Louis side, and hugged him.   "There was this girl...with blood down her arms and red marks around her neck,"  Harry said fighting back tears and struggling to stay steady, "She walked up to us from the forest and whispered in our ears "I'm coming"  and then left!"  Harry then broke down.  I brought Niall upstairs and got into bed with him he was still crying and his head was buried in my neck.  He wouldn't stop giving me little kisses or even let go of me even.  "Not that I'm complaining, but why are you so, I don't know, clingy."  "Because I'm afraid of loosing you!"  He started crying again and I hugged him back.  "You're never gonna lose me, haha, sorry to break it to you, but I'm not planning on losing you anytime soon, you are mine, and that's how it's gonna stay for a very long time."  I said, he looked up and smiled, "Correction," He said, "You're mine, forever."  He kissed me passionatly and layed back down again and cuddled me.  "I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you."  He said as we both fell asleep.

Karly's POV

Louis came in to go to bedroom and I was holding back tears he always knows what's wrong because the first thing he said is what's wrong.  I literally just sat silently looking at him, after about 3 minutes I said, "I don't know, but I bet you had fun with Charlotte last night?"  He looked at me confused.  "What the hell are you going on about?"  He said.

"Oh don't pull that shit with me Louis, you're cheating on me aren't you?"

"And why the hell do you think that?!"

"You got up out of bed last night, your "talk" with Charlotte"

"You think I'm fucking your best friend?!"

"Zayn told me!"



"NO I'M NOT CHEATING YOU, I WOULD NEVER, I love you Karly so much, to lose you would kill me, you are my life, scratch that, you are my world, I love you Karly more than anything, and you shouldn't ever worry about me leaving or even cheating on you, because you are my world, and I love you."

I didn't know what to say to him, I didn't want to tell him yet, not just yet.   I leaned and kissed him passionatly, I had to cut off from going to far, because well I'm preggers.  We cuddled and I fell asleep the exact way I like to, in my Lou's arms.


When I woke up Lou was already downstairs, in fact they all were.   I walked down and I got really sick and ran to the nearest bathroom.  Louis was instantly at my side.  "Are you okay love?"  He said knocking on the door.  "Yah, I'm okay, sorry."  When I finally got out everyone asked me if I was okay and all that shit.  "We were all going shopping, but since you're sick I don't know if you want to come or not?"  Hayli asked concerning.  "Yah, I think, I'm just gonna stay home and lay in bed."  I said and went upstairs.  Lou followed me begging stay, but I made him go, he also mentioned he talked to Zayn and everything is okay between them.  Eventually when they all left I wanted peace and serenity.  I lit some candles and just sat in this big house everyone know and then I would get a little spooked, but didn't think much of it.  It was untill probably 2:30 in the afternoon did the scariest thing of my whole life happen.  I was walking down the stairs when something, like a cold wing, knocked a candle over.  In seconds the whole house was on fire.  I ran outside and started screaming help, but nobody came the house was in flames why did nobody notice I was screaming and crying and once I heard a car coming up the long driveway I went running towards the car.  It was the and they all saw me and instantly drove up as quick as possible, but once they got there.  There was no fire, the house didn't even look burnt, we walked inside and the candle was sitting up right on the counter as if if nothing ever touched it.  I fell and passed out.  We all sat on the couch and I told them everything.  Instantly Lou stood up and told him about his encounter with Charlotte and the dream and we all got into this deep conversation about this house.  

Hayli's POV

When we were all talking about this whole thing, I was terrified, you could see it in everyone, but in good news Karly told everyone she was pregnant and that was a major relief and Louis has never looked so happy before!!! That's when I noticed the clock in the background about the fireplace, it was numbered 1-13.  I pointed it out and we all shrugged it off till exactly 12:59.  "It's almost one guys we should all start going to bed."  Liam suggested and stood me up.  When we started walking he heard the clock go off, but it was weird it wasn't that normal ding was a deep noise, like a drum.  We all shot out heads at the clock and that's when we heard a scream, a piercing scream, and the clock that was hanging on the wall flew towards the other end of the room almost hitting me in the head.  Liam covered me and threw down to make sure I didn't get hurt.  None of us moved, none of us had a reaction.  None of us.  We just froze. That was the first "paranormal"  experience we all had as a group and some of us, individually.  It was since that night.  Everything started getting worse.


Next chapter I have something HUGE in store, and I can't wait to post it tomorrow!!!!!!! 

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