Chapter 5

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This is a small chapter I thought I should put up, because that was a really bad cliff hanger! Lol.


Ashley's POV

That was the scariest thing I have ever seen my entire life.  I felt a tear come down my face as Harry grabbed my hand.   He pulled me downstairs everyone following.   He automatically started banging on the door yelling, trying to break windows and everything when we heard a knock on the door.  I walked up to it, and with ease, opened it.  "Um, hello are you one of the owners of the house?"  And older lady probably in her 50's asked me.  "Um, yes, uh, hello?"  I replied, sorta shaky.  "My name is is Eleanor Monroe, and this is my husband, James."  The woman said.  She was a really cute lady, with a  pink dress on that cut off just bellow her knees, as for the man, he was wearing a grey suit.  "Well how do you do, would you like to come in?"  I asked the lad.y  Both of there eyes went wide, "Um, I, well maybe just for a second."  She looked at her husband reassuringly.  They both cautiously walked in looking around everywhere.  They walked into the kitchen and placed a box on the table.  "We are the previous owners of this house, we thought maybe you should hear a bit of the background."  The man named James said.  He took a deep breathe and started. "Um, in the year 1999, my eldest daughter who was 15 at the time was deeply depressed and known for self harm.  We admit we were bad at dealing with it, we used to get mad and yell at her.  But that day, was the worst damn day of our lives.   It was a normal April day, we woke up like any morning untill we notice our daughter Alison was not down yet.  Us as the parents walked up into her room to see her hanging from our ceiling fan.  We were speechless, we had nothing left to say, but call the police where they found her letter."  We all stood back, shocked.  Wasn't that the dream Lou and Charlotte had.  Isn't that who we just saw literally no other then a few minutes ago!  "Um, there have been some sightings of a girl walking around this house, and we were just wondering if anything has happened yet?" Eleanor asked.  That's when we all told them what has been happening and what just happened.  They stood back wide eyed and opened the box inside were pictures of the girl we have been seeing, but one stood out to me.  I reached forward and picked up this picture.(on the side)  It was a black and white.  "It looks old,"  the woman said, "But it was only taken in 97,  it was at her Aunt's wedding, she wanted everything to look old, she was her bridesmaid, and that was her boyfriend.  When they broke up I think that's what pushed her over the edge."   I looked up at Eleanor who was now crying.  I ran over and hugged her.  I felt bad living in this house, where a beautiful girl, took her own life.  James walked us up into her old bedroom, which was of course Zayn and Charlottes.  They told us it was her birthday today and they are about to go see her grave but they come here every year just to look at it.  That's when we heard a girl scream.  "Alison."  James mumbled under his breath.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!"  The girl screamed.  It didn't sound like it was coming from anywhere it just sounded all around.  Harry grabbed me in a instant.  "I'm scared..."  I said looking at him.  " I'm never gonna let anything hurt you."  He said kissing me.  I look behind and everyone was holding each other, even James and Eleanor.  "GET OUT!"  This strong wind blew across us as if someone just yelled in our face.  James and Eleanor ran to the door and the door opened.  We all quickly followed and slammed in Louis face.  "YOU THINK I'M GONNA LET YOU OUT!"  We heard laughing take up everything.  "IT'S MY TURN TO REVENGE ON THE WORLD!"  We all stuttered.  Shaking.  Crying.  "IT'S MY TURN TO KILL YOU!"

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