Chapter Nine

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"It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow

I can't believe I stayed till today

Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow

But in time we will find this was no surprise"


Alyx's POV

I walked into Charlotte's room.  She was laying there, she looked dead, but If I lost Niall, I would probably look the same way.  "Alyx.."  I heard Charlotte say quietly.  "Yah."   I said shutting the door.  "I feel more dead than alive."  With that, horrible memmories filled my head.  "I know the feeling." 

"Is everything okay?"  Charlotte said worried.

"Just thinking."

"Tell me Alyx, you know you can trust me."

"Charlotte, you know that,"  I couldn't get words out.  "I am, well was and partially am depressed."

"Yah, but why are you so out of it."

"I hate that feeling."

"What, feeling more dead than alive."

"Yah, I have felt that to often, and it's the worst thing ever, wishing you just were anywhere but here, wishing you were alone, but knowing you are scared of being alone, wishing you were anything but alive.  Nothing is going right.  You just...I don't know."  Charlotte saw the tears in my eyes and signaled me to sit down.

"Tell me more, about your depression."

"Charlotte, there was too much, the bullying in school, my family, my parents got divorced when I was young, I heard the whole fight, Charlotte, my whole life was a disaster.  When I found Niall, I was so much happier.  I felt a million times better.  I was still told to stay on my medication.  I don't want to slip back into the dark horrible place in my life.  But, can you keep a secret?"

"Yah, anything."

"I stopped taking it."

"Alyx, What?  You know you can't do that."

"I'm sorry, I...just don't tell Niall."

" I won't on one condition."

"Yes."  I replied.

"Play me a song."  She pointed towards the piano the was sitting in the corner of her big bedroom.

I walked over to the piano and sat down.  I naturally started playing and singing one of my favorite songs.  No Surprises by Regina Spektor. "A heart that's full up like a landfill. A job that  slowly kills you Bruises that won't heal You look so tired, unhappy" Memmories of depression filled my mind.  "Bring down the government They don't, they don't speak for us I'll take a quiet life A handshake of carbon monoxide With no alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises, No alarms and no surprises, Silence, silence"  The thoughts of feeling like nothing as I layed in bed late at night.  The horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, feeling like you are nothing, like you are hated by everyone.  "This is my final fit My final bellyache.  With no alarms and no surprises.  No alarms and no surprises.  No alarms and no surprises please"  Tears quietly filled my eyes.  I have never sang infront of anyone before, only Karly once,  Charlotte has to before, but I have never gotten so emotional.  "Such a pretty house, And such a pretty garden"  I felt the tears getting heavier, but I pushed through.  I belted my heart out on the last part of the song.  "No alarms and no surprises (Get me outta here).  No alarms and no surprises (Get me outta here).  No alarms and no surprises, please."   As I hit the last few notes on the piano.  I looked over at Charlotte who was smiling, for the first time in a while.  I stood up and Niall was standing behind me, he grabbed me around my waste.  He wipped away the tears from my eyes and kissed me gently on the forehead, then on my nose, then on my lips.  "You never told me you sang?"  He said to me.  "I don't"  I replied worried.  "Well obviously you do, because that was amazing."  He laughed as he held me. "I'll meet you back in our room."  I looked over at Charlotte.  "You were amazing."  She said.  "Go cuddle with Niall, you need him more than ever right now and he needs you."   I walked out of the room, and up to mine and Niall's.  I opened the door and Niall's back was to me.  "Babe?" I said he turned around to look at me with tears on his face.  I ran over to him and grabbed him, "Whats wrong, please tell me you are okay?"  

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