Chapter 10

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Liam's POV

Louis ran towards the door.  It slammed right in his face as a black smoke wrapped around the whole house.  Less than a minute later a loud/ high pitched scream was let out from outside the house.  I guess we can count that as Karly...was dead.  I heard Lou scream "NO NO NO NO NO!"  And then I heard the girl say "3 down 7 to go."  She laughed, "No one is getting out."   We froze at hearing her voice.  The voice that took Hayli away.  The voice that took "My" Hayli away.  I started getting shaky and had to run into my room.  I sat on the bed and about 30 minutes later Charlotte came in.   She looked tired and depressed.  Last time I saw someone like that it was Alyx when she was in the hospital...that was the worst night of anyone's life, well except for when Hayli died.  Charlotte was wearing one of Zayn's old sweatshirts and a pair of sweats.  She was wrapped in a blanket.  Her hair was in a messy bun and she had major dark circles under eyes, almost like she hasn't slept in days.  "I don't mean to startle you?"  She said quietly.  She had no strength.  Charlotte was turning into an old Alyx and it was scaring me.  I never wanted to see someone I cared about look like that ever again.   She struggled, but walked over to the bed and sat next to me.  She plopped her head on my shoulder and sang softly. "I close both locks below the window, I close both blinds and turn away," I knew the song she was singing, I think it was by a band named Linkin Park "Shadow of the day"  I think it's called, Alyx and Karly listen to them...  "Sometimes solutions aren't so simple, Sometimes good bye's the only ."   I felt tears fall from my eyes as Charlotte whispered the rest of the part. "And the sun will set for you, The sun will set for you,And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you."  Charlotte was getting emotional too, and practically skipped the whole song just to sing one last line "Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, Sometimes good bye's the only way."  She cried into my shoulder.  "You know,"  She said.  "Lou is going psycho downstairs.   I wanna make sure is he okay?"  Charlotte took my hand and brought me downstairs and she was right, Louis was going psycho.  He was yelling and screaming, and throwing things.  Harry was trying to calm him down.  "WHY WHAT THE HELL! WHY DID THAT THING TAKE KARLY AWAY! MY KARLY! MY BABY! THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN MY LIFE TAKEN AWAY AT THE SAME TIME! I CA- CAN'T!"  He picked up a vase and threw it at the wall.  "LOUIS CALM DOWN!" Harry said grabbing his arm.  Louis turned around with puffy red eyes and swung at Harry.  Harry ducked and Louis just missed him.  Everyone ran downstairs now to get Louis.  "Stay here"  I told Charlotte as she sat against the wall.  I ran down the stairs.  I had to step in.  I grabbed Louis, "Look I know you are upset!  I know what it's like to lose the one you love!  But you need to cool it!"  He looked at me and just collapsed.  Put his head between his legs.  " I am so sorry Haz!"  He stood up, he was crying.  He put his arms around Harry.  "I am soo sorry! I don't know what got over me!"  He said into Harry's neck.  "It's alright Boo, come on."  Harry took Lou and sat there all night comforting him.  I know what it feels like I have Empathy for him right now it's just.  I am confused on why she is killing us off like this.

Ashley's POV

"Haz?:"  I called up from the stairs.  It was 12:02 A.M.  He patted Lou on the back and walked up the stairs.  "You alright love?"  He asked.  "Yah, just wondering when are you gonna come to bed."  

"I'll be up soon."

"Promise."  I said smiling.  He kissed me.  


"How is he doing?"  I asked.

"Better, but I don't think he is ever gonna get over this I mean Karly and his child died."

I felt the tears buliding up.  "I'm gonna miss her Haz."

He looked at me and wrapped his arms around me.  "We all are."

I walked up into our room. I can'tmbelieve she's gone.  She was my best friend growing up.  If it wasn't for her me and Harry would've never met.  "Karly, come back....come back soon."  Harry came up.  He had red puffy eyes and dry tear stained cheeks.  I took his face in my hands and moved it closer to my face.  "I love you,"  he whispered, "I will never let that...thing...take you away from me, never!"  I kissed him passionatly.  He got in bed and rested his head on my chest.   "I miss Karly."  I said quietly.  " I miss her too."  

Alyx's POV

I couldn't stop crying.  "Niall, what's gonna happen next?" I asked.  "I'm not sure, but I know one thing.  You will be okay.  I promise."  He kissed my nose.  We layed in bed, but I couldn't sleep.  I miss Karly soooo much.  Karly always has and always will be, my best friend.  I grew up with her.  I told her everything.  I loved her, like a sister!  No matter who you are, when you met Karly, you automatically thought she was the greatest woman alive!  She was so funny, sweet, and she cared about everyone.  Karly, was the sweetest person in the world.  When Karly told me she was pregnant, she told me before anyone.  I kept it a secret.  Now that the baby and Karly are gone, I just can't think about it!  Louis is gonna drift off too eventually! I can't loose my best friend!  I got myself so worked up I had to go the bathroom and wash my face.  I woke up Niall. "You okay babe?"  He said kissing my neck down to my shoulder.   I reached my hand up and ran my hand through his hair.  " I love you"  He said.  "I love you too."  We went back to  bed.  "Now what was wrong before?"  

"Just thinking about Karly.."

"Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure, I wasn't losing you again.  I hated that night."

"That night was scary for everyone."


"It's hard looking at Charlotte, remembering I looked the same way."

"Is that why you are looking after her so much."

"I know what it feels like to know and feel like nobody cares, and I don't Charlotte to turn into that."

He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

Charlotte's POV

Alyx walked into my room tired.  "Get up!"  She said jokingly shoving me.  I laughed and asked her:

"Whats up baby cakes?"

"You miss haven't gotten out of bed for almost four days, you need to shower! Hahaha."

"I've showered since!"

"Yes, but you need to again!"

"Hahaha, I will."

I sat up and  looked at myself.  I looked tired and worn out.  I looked over and Alyx looked upset.  I reached over and hugged her.

"Thank you."

"For?"  She asked.

"For being here."

She smiled.  "Be right I'm gonna change."

About 10 minutes later she came back wearing ripped jeans and a sweatshirt with her hair up.  She picked me out and outfit and left.  I decided to take a bath, just because.  I set it up and layed in the tub.  I sat there for almost thirty minutes just thinking about Zayn, about Hayli, and Karly now.  I layed there.  I don't know if they were tears or just sweat.  It got extremely hot all of a sudden, but the water got cold.  I looked over and the door was locked.  I didn't lock it?  I loud hush took over the room.  I couldn't move.  I was next.  It was my turn.  I was so  scared I couldn't scream, but in seconds I was taken underwater.  

Alyx's POV

"Char?!"  I knocked on the bathroom door.  It's been three hours? The door swung open.   Charlotte was laying the water White pale, blue lips, not breathing.  Charlotte was dead, and the only thing I could hear was the laughing surrounding the room.

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