Chapter 8

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You must read this whole chapter!  I know it's a lot, and I'm one who likes to scream through big parts, but this is an emotional chapter, It's a long one that is why I am updating twice.xx






Charlotte's POV

It took me forever to calm down, and I still am in this spaced out mode, I feel numb and can't think straight. Alyx helped me stand up and brought me to the bed. She kept telling me,"We are going to get out of here." Or "It's all gonna be alright." But how am I supposed to believe that when the love of my life, the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life, the only person I want to see when I go to sleep and the second I wake up. I love him, more than anything, I can't stand to think he is gone. Alyx kept checking up on me to make sure I was okay, but Alyx was worried as much as I was. She sat down next to me and asked what I wanted for dinner. I told her I wasn't hungry she nodded, because she understood and left. I kept thinking about Zayn. For one second I just wish he was back in my life. I wish I was still in his arms. I looked at my arm and noticed the cuts on my elbows from throwing myself on the floor. I looked out the window. His body wasn't even there. I felt tears stinging in my eyes. "Be strong." I said, when I heard the door open and someones hand hit my shoulder. It was Liam. I turned around and looked at him, he was crying too. I put my face in his neck and cried for a little while. "Shhh...It's gonna be okay. I miss him just as much as you do." He whispered down my back. I felt a few of his tears hit my shirt. " I miss him Liam...I miss Hayli too." I said. He shuttered at her name as his tears began to fall harder.

"I miss her- " His words fell appart. "I miss her too."

"Why did she take them away from us."

"Because she has never felt love."

"I loved him Liam more than you, him, or anyone could imagine. He was my best friend. I just want him back. If I had one wish right now, it would be that he was here, being his bad boy self laying on that bed, badly flirting while I put on his varsty jacket and cuddled with him in bed. I wish I could just smell his clogne again, it was my favortie smell in the whole world. To run my hand through his quiff, just to....just to hear him say my name and tell me he loves me. That he will always be here. The way he would hold me. Overall though, I would kill to hear him say those words, I love you. I would fell so much better."

Liam was crying and he put his head on my shoulder and whispered "I know" Not to long after that the tears ran from his eyes, he couldn't hold them back any longer, "I...I loved Hayli so much, her brown curly hair the way it flow in the wind. How energetic she was, how she wasn't afraid to be her self. I loved when she just randomly start dancing or singing or even just randomly hold my hand or hug me or kiss me. The way she would say my name, my knees would go week. I, I miss her to much to even imagine. She was literally taken right out of my hands, and I can't believe she is gone, that no matter how hard I try to believe she isn't, that fact that I won't be able to feel her soft lips against mine. To know I won't be able to feel her kiss my nose, like she used to every morning when I would wake up. Hayli was my rock, the only thing helping stay sane during all of this. I want to tell her I love her, that she is beautiful, that she is my everything."

That's when he sat on the floor. Against the wall. He put his head between his knees and sobbed. "Why...why did she do that." He sobbed quietly. Liam didn't talk much about his feelings for Hayli, but he did show his love for her in anyway possible. He did love her there was no denying it. Hayli and Liam had the strongest relationship. I just wish Hayli was still here to hear everything he just told me. I went over to comfort Liam, but he stood up before I could walk over. "I'm sorry.." He went to leave. "Wait!" I said before he left. "I'm here for you." He turned around from the door. With tears still in his eyes. He ran towards me and embraced me in a hug. With that he left. I layed in bed, I couldn't help, but feel the tears building up in my eyes. I started whispering the lyrics to Broken by Lifehouse.(This song is on the side, just incase.) "The broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight. Maybe it can stop tomorrow from stealing all my time. I am here still waiting though i still have my doubts. I am damaged at best, like you've already figured out."  I whispered to myself, as I started whispering the words to the rest of the song, memmories of Zayn filled my mind.  "I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing.  With a broken heart that's still beating.  In the pain, there is healing.  In your name I find meaning.  So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on.  I'm barely holdin' on to you"  I remember the time, he asked me to be his girlfriend, we were alone at the park, there were lights on the trees surrounding us.  "The broken locks were a warning you got inside my head.  I tried my best to be guarded, I'm an open book instead.  I still see your reflection inside of my eyes.  That are looking for a purpose, they're still looking for life."  I started remembering the time, we sat on the couch cuddling all day, eating, and watching T.V. and movies.  It was the first time he told me he loved me.  I whispered the chorus again, crying a little harder.  "I'm hangin' on another day, Just to see what you throw my way.  And I'm hanging on to the words you say.  You said that I will be OK.  The broken lights on the freeway left me here alone.  I may have lost my way now, haven't forgotten my way home."  I remembered the time, he asked me to move in with him, how I stared into his brown eyes.  How excited I was.  How excited he was.  How much he loved me.  I whispered the chorus two more times.  I remembered all the great times we had, but then the one I didn't want to rememebered entered my head.  I saw him fall out the window.   I saw the scene, the whole scene as I whispered the last line to the song: "I'm barely holdin' on to you."  As I saw him fall out the window.  I burried my face into the pillow and cried myself to sleep.

Karly's POV

After we all ate everyone went to bed, it was a horrible day, and it was long.  Charlotte worried us all.  I didn't know what to think.  "Louis, what if we don't get out?"  He shot his head around.  

"Don't you dare think that!"  He said, "Karly, even if I don't make it out, you will!  I will make sure of it.  Karly I love you, our kid is going to grow up, it's gonna look just like you."  I looked at him. "Um, it's gonna look like you with my eyes."  He corrected himself and winked.  I giggled.  "I want him to be just like us.  With your amazing personality, and my sense humor."  He said giggling again.  "Karly you are the reason I keep trying everyday.  To see you smile, makes my whole life ten times better.  I love you, I love our baby.  I won't leave you till the day, the word ends.  You are my world, scratch that.  My universe.  I don't give a shit what anyway says.  You are beautiful you are perfect, but wanna know what makes this all worth while, being able to say you are mine.  It makes me the happiest man alive, I love you."

I reached down and kissed him.  "You are the reason I kno we will make it out of this alive, I love you too."

"Karly, you need to know that,  if I don't make it out of here, I will be with you no matter what, correct."

"Louis, don't say that, we're gonna make it out of here."

He gave me his beauitful smile and kissed me passionatly.  He pulled back and looked at me and kissed my stomach.  "You never told me how many months."  "Four"  He looked at me in a amazment.  "Lay down."  He said.  I followed his orders and sat down and looked at him.  I moved myself under the covers.  He sat next to me.  He started singing one of my favorite songs of all time.:  "You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life, You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your mother's eyes.  I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can, but for now your scan of my unmade plans.  A small bump in four months, you're brought to life."  I thought about when I found out I was pregnant how excited I was, that this was actually happening, that me and Lou were gonna have a baby together.  "I'll whisper quietly, I'll give you nothing but truth, If you're not inside me, I'll put my future in you."  I then thought about how scared I was the fact that, Lou, may not be as excited as I was that I was pregnant how he might have left me.  How upset I got.  "You are my one and only.  You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.  Oh, you are my one and only.  You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.  And you'll be alright."  Then I remembered how excited I was as my bump got bigger, that I was actually carrying a living thing inside me.  How excited yet scared I was. "You're just a small bump unknown, you'll grow into your skin.  With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin.  Finger nails the size of a half grain of rice, And eyelids closed to be soon opened wide A small bump, in four months you'll open your eyes."  As he sang that and cuddled me closer, I thought about when I told him, how excited he was.  "You can lie with me With your tiny feet When you're half asleep, I'll leave you be. Right in front of me For a couple weeks So I can keep you safe."  As he sang the rest of the song, I thought about how wonderful our life is gonna be, I didn't think once about the house, or even if we do die.   I was happy at that moment.  When he finished I noticed he left out the last to lines, I looked up and laughed at him.  "What! You want me to sing the last to lines about a miscarriage?!"  He said jokingly.  "No, I just found it amusing."  

"I love you Karly." He said that as I drifted off into a deep sleep.  Who knew that would be the last thing I would hear for a long time.

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