Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

 I make three attempts to hold her hand while we were walking and each time she gave me a murderous glare which did scare me a little and amuse me at the same time. This is the first time I’ve ever seen her really annoyed, especially at me. She plays with the heart locket on her necklace as we wait for our table.

I look fiercely at the man who guides us towards the table for two. He keeps glancing down at Isabelle’s cleavage and my fist itches to connect with his jaw. I keep the urge to a minimum, thinking of how Isabelle would be even more pissed if I was to start a public fight. She makes me feel protective and paranoid. I don’t like other men looking at her as though she’s a piece of meat, she’s a woman who deserves respect. I love her and hopefully one day, when she’s ready…she will tell me she loves me too.  

“So, how you liking the food?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

She barely touched her pasta; we ordered chicken pasta alader and macaroni cuisine. This restaurant is expensive but I’m willing to pay in order for her to have a good time.

“Yeah, its fine” she replies coldly.

“Please don’t be mad” I plead.

She makes eye contact with me for the first time that night before excusing herself to use the restroom.

Fuck. She’s impossible, if only she would give me a chance to explain. I leave the restaurant, placing the envelope next to her plate with the money for the bill.

The doorbell rings, I bury my head under my pillow, muffling the constant ringing. After what feels like four hours I finally get rest. I’m tired by the time I get up. I could feel a kink in my neck, it’s painful as hell but I ignore it as I get dressed for school. I leave early, needing to collect my books from the library. I spend the morning revising for my History exam. Sitting at the back of the school; soaking in the sun. Putting my headphones in, I place my head between my arms on the table and close my eyes. I feel someone tugging my on my arm, I shrug them off and continue my slumber.

I moan and lift my head, its aching. Slowly, I open my eyes and a small boxed chocolate “I’m sorry” cake is placed in front of me. A small smile tugs at my lips; a letter is attached to the end of a teddy bear holding a love heart which reads “Forgive me?”

I reach to unfold the piece of paper before me, it reads;

To my beloved boyfriend, I’m sorry. I was just upset you were keeping something from me; I guess I just assumed our relationship was based on honesty and I thought we told each other everything. I was taken aback when you snatched the envelope from me, I was sure you were hiding something from me. I over thought it and I assumed you were cheating on me since the envelope had love hearts on it, I’m sorry I thought you were writing someone else a love letter. You’re too good for me and I just can’t lose you. You’re gift to me is so thoughtful, I cried when you left the restaurant…when you left me. I was close to ripping the stupid letter into tiny shreds of paper but I’m glad I didn’t. I was too curious with what it held that I opened it and when I saw the two tickets to Florida I jumped in joy and cried at the same time. I’m sorry for my stupidity; if you will have me then I would love to join you and your mother on this wonderful holiday. Meet me at 4 in Café Tirana? With love, yours, Isabelle xx

I closed the letter and placed it in the back pocket of my jeans, how could she think I would cheat on her? Or that I’m too good for her? If anything she’s too good for me and I love her. With all my heart…I love her. I’m pissed that she would think that but I am to blame, due to how I acted when she found the letter. I wanted to give it to her over dinner; I wanted to see her eyes light up when she saw the tickets. I wanted to wrap my arms around her slender waist while she kissed me soundlessly in front of everyone at the restaurant. I wanted her to admit she loved me and she’s ready to spend the rest of her life with me. When I see her all I can imagine is a married life with her, I may be in high school but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming. Granted we are too young, and I need to complete my studies before I can invest in a home but I would give it all up in a heartbeat…for her.

I gather my textbooks in my bag and place the teddy on top of the boxed up cake in my arms. I look at my watch, Crap! Its 3.50, I mentally pound my fist in the air when I remember I drove my truck to school.

The drive to Café Tirana feels so fucking long. People are walking the streets, an old couple kiss and hug at the bus stop. People are busy with their everyday lives, as I wait for the traffic lights to turn green I send a text to Isabelle.

*I’m coming, just getting through traffic. I forgive you, please don’t leave*

The lights finally turn green and I zoom to the Café, the parking fee is outrageously expensive but I’m too eager to see Isabelle to care about it. I grab a ticket, stick it on the window and run into the Café. I must seem crazy since many people turn to look at me with wild eyes as I enter the restaurant in a frantic search for Isabelle, I run my hands through my hair. She left; she changed her mind, were the only thoughts that came to mind.

I sat down on one of the couches placed at the side; I let my head fall into my hands.

I could feel the presence of someone sitting next to me, their harsh breathing sounding through my ear. I looked to the left, into those beautiful blue pleading eyes. Cupping her face, I crushed my lips to hers. My tongue gaining access into her beautiful mouth; I bit on her bottom lip, tugging it between my lips, sucking on it. My hands tangled into her hair, I twist it in my hands and tugged, letting her head fall back. I kiss my way down her neck, sucking on the skin. I left a red mark on her neck; it was probably going to show clearly tomorrow.

I rested my forehead against hers, I have never been any happier to see anyone in my entire life. Relief surged through me when I saw her sitting next to me, waiting patiently for me, has she been here the entire time? I shake my head of the thoughts; I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing. She drives me crazy; I look down at her through the thick black lens of my new glasses. I traded in the big red ones for these “stylish” ones. She picked them out and I’ve been wearing them ever since. Isabelle smiles as I press a gentle kiss to her forehead and clasp my hand in hers. I guide her to a nearby table; I order her a large hot chocolate and get myself a coffee.

“That was quite the welcome” A playful smile on her lips.

“There’s plenty more where that came from” I wink.

I reach across the table and take my hand in hers; I bring it to my lips and kiss it gently.

“Did you mean what you said?” I ask.

“About going with you?” she asks.

I nod.

“Yeah, obviously I want to go with you…if you still want me to” she looks down at our entwined hands.

“Babe, I have been dying to tell you. I didn’t mean to hide anything, I just wanted to see the look on your face over dinner” I explain.

“It was my fault” she whispered quietly.

“No, it wasn’t” I press.

“I’m sorry I assumed the worst” she apologizes.

I think back to her letter, how could she think I would cheat on her? I love her too much to ever do that to her. I know she can see the hurt in my eyes. I squeeze her hand.

“It’s fine, if I’m honest I was kind of hurt when you thought I was giving a love letter to some chick, the biggest surprise was when you wrote you’re too good for me” I chuckle as I remember her choice of words.

She looks at the floor, embarrassed. Her small blush creeps upon her cheeks; she drinks her hot chocolate in silence.

The silence is broken when an elderly couple approach us.

“Could I help you?” Isabelle asks the elderly couple in a nice tone.

“I couldn’t help but notice your little intimate moment back there” she points to the couch where Isabelle and I were making out. “I thought it was very sweet, you two make an adorable couple, stay blessed” she finishes, walking away with who I assume is her husband on her arm.

Isabelle meets my eyes, smiling. Her dimples show, making me happy. The old woman was very sweet; Isabelle was red in the face when she mentioned the make out session on the couch.

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