Christmas Special

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Hey guys...considering its christmas i have written an "In the future" chapter of Isabelle and Zac's christmas...Enjoy :)!

Little note...This chapter is not in time with this part of the story. It may not be in related to the story at all. Just a cute little chapter I wrote for Christmas xx

Christmas Special (Zac's POV)

Finally a family. It is that time in life where you can appreciate family and spend a day with your loved ones.

Dear mum,

I will always remember you no matter what, as i was wrapping presents I thought about our first Christmas without dad, I was nine years old and I had seen a toy helicopter in the window of a shop. I was mesmerised as the worker in the shop took it out the box and showed me how it worked, when it came to purchasing it you bit your lip and said no. I could see the hurt in your eyes and I knew you'd sensed my dissapointment.

We had barely any money. We had to scrape together what we could to survive that week. That week was a tiring week, especially since I had to go out and find work. I remember coming home to tell you my good news, I sprinted it all the way down the road, My heart sank when I came accross your body lying limp on the floor. I didnt know what to do, My first instinct was to run, to find dad and show him what he'd done to you. Instead while my hands trembeled, I dialed 911 and waited for an answer, the woman on the other end spoke softly, her voice in my head boomed louder than it was. To me she was screaming and yelling at me to have been a better son to you, her voice grew louder and louder until i couldnt take it anymore. I threw the phone, as hard as i could and watched it smash before me. I ran to your side, not knowing what was wrong I held your hand and kissed your forehead before resting myself beside you on the floor.

I closed my eyes to cherish each passing moment as it went, i thought that was it. I neither had a father or a mother, to call myself an orphan was a punishment. I knew I should have been a better son Mum, I shouldve worked harder and cared more for you. I shouldve gotten rid of dad ages ago, from the first time he hit you I should have stopped him, I know you never told me but i always listened in on your conversations. Those late night talks you two had, although its hard to call it a "talk" more of a screaming match before he broke something or spat. He'd point to me, grab me by my collar and drag me before you, his alcohol stenched breath an inch away from mine, i could taste his venemous spit. I looked over his shoulder and saw you, fragile and afraid. Sweat beading down your forehead, you werent worried for you...but for me.

In that moment I understood, it wasnt because of you he hurt was because of me. Why else would you be scared he'd hurt me? because it was my fault, it was my birth that started this. Due to my being born he has punished you. He has tormented you since your pregnancy. That sleaze of a man looked me in the eyes and spat "So this is what your whore of a mother is making me pay for...this!" He looked me up and down in disgust. My eyes watered, he called me a disgrace. A shame to his name. I wept immensly that night, crying each time i thought of it being my fault you're being abused.

I was woken up by a man in a green jumpsuit, there was many of them dressed the same. Each assisting you, a machine beeped to your right, wires attached to parts of your body. Thing going in and things coming out. I was confused, had god answered my prayers? Have i finally got a chance to make it right? To become something that you are proud off. When I saw the machine beeping at a steady beat the man in the green jumpsuit looked at me and said "She is going to be okay". At that moment i couldnt have been more happy, i was getting a second chance to make it all right.

A month after that shock you started to recover, it had been a fatal heart attack and the doctors questioned your bruises but being the woman you are, you just couldnt blame dad. I was fired from my job as i had chosen to take care of you than work. Five months later I came home from work, the house pitch black, my first thought was you...on the floor...needing me. I panicked and searched the entire house, when i got to the living room the lights went on. You came out from behind the couch holding a tray, a huge smile on your face. Your eyes brightened as I looked around mesmerised by the view. A ginormous Christmas tree presented in the middle of the room, the lights emphasised the happiness inside of me, brightning up the room. You walked up behind me and placed your hand on my shoulder.

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