Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys...Not much to say but WE ARE NEAR THE TWIST! please bear with me for a few more chapters xo 

Chapter 22

“Let’s go” My mother begged.

“No mum, please just leave me alone”

“Zac, this isn’t doing you any good” she sighed.

I shrugged and buried my head under my pillow.

“You can’t sit and mope about in the room all day, for the past three days that is all you have been doing” she shook her head.

I yawned; she grabbed the pillow and threw it across the room.

I turned to face her.


She cut me off.

“But nothing. Isabelle is gone and you have yourself to blame for that. You haven’t even asked how she is…maybe it was you who was looking for an excuse to get out the relationship. Not her” with that my mother stormed out the room.

Damn, I have done a good job at pissing off females at this trip.

I groaned, she was right. I wanted Isabelle back, but she was better off without me.

As much as it pained me to admit. Jason could give her so much more than I could…I had nothing to offer her. I worked part time as a cashier in Morrison’s. I may have spoilt her but she can get that anywhere. I’m ugly and she is beautiful…I have spots and Jason has clear skin, the perfect smile, the perfect face and a muscular body. I look like I haven’t even hit puberty yet compared to him. He had much more to offer…I want to be selfish and keep her to myself, isolate her from contacting anything and anyone to do with Jason, but I can’t. I have to consider her and this is something she needs.

I knocked on my mother’s room, no answer. I sighed before speaking.

“Mum…I’m sorry. I know you’re right but I can’t be with her and that is something you have to accept. I can’t explain it as it’s messed up but I need your support on this”

I could hear the unlocking of her door, she opened it slowly and I peered inside.

“Mum…let’s go then”

The door swung open, my mother stood holding two large suitcases with a large grin plastered on her face. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

“I will always be on your side son, I trust you” she whispered.

I kissed her forehead and bent down to retrieve the suitcases.

“Give me five minutes to pack” I shouted from my room.

We stood at the reception’s desk. The woman taking our details and checking us out the resort had a nasty expression on her face. It looked as though she was swallowing a lemon; the sour expression really pissed me off.

She forced a smile as she said “Here is your complimentary gift card, thank you for coming. Please do come again. Have a nice day” in one of the fakest voices I’ve heard.

Finally, I was beginning to get homesick. I needed to see Isabe-

No. I can’t think about her like that anymore, she isn’t even a friend…she hates me and that’s the way it has to be. She has probably moved on and is now with Jason. My fists clenched tightly by my sides as the thought occurred to me. I wanted to kill him…I wanted to claim her as mine in front of him. The bastard was probably in her panties as we sat on the plane.

The flight took longer than ever, I managed to sleep for an hour which was the only time I didn’t think of Isabelle.

I thought back to the day she left, I got badly drunk and confided in a friend who told me to get her before it was too late. I raced up the stairs and banged on the door. After waking up most of the hall, Isabelle finally opened the door. She looked at me, her eyes bloodshot. A suitcase in her hand, she shook her head in disgust and walked past me. I shouted her name from the top of my lungs, she just walked further and further out my reach. Her small silhouette figure getting smaller and smaller until finally I passed out and woke up with a massive hangover. The first time I get drunk and the last. No point when you’re the only one in pain the next morning. My head throbbed most of the day, my mother yelled at me and gave me a lecture on how bad drinking is and how she is worried I’m going to go off the deep end. It didn’t really help much to cure my headache, in fact it made it ten times worse.

“Hey Alex”

“Hey Zac”

“Want to go out?”


“Swing by my place at four?”


I hung up and got ready.

It has been a three weeks since I got back from Florida, I haven’t heard from Isabelle. I’ve been occupying myself in my studies. Keeping my head down and thinking of anything that has nothing to do with Isabelle. I stayed in my room for a while, staring out the window most nights lost in thought. My mother usually gave me dinner in my room, she hates when I’m alone, probably thinks I’m going to drink myself into oblivion like my father.  

As I’m getting ready I can’t shake the constant nagging feeling creeping from the back of my mind. I shake it off and wait downstairs for Alex.

I open the door to Alex who has been my close friend since I started high school. Alex attends St Jeorgehigh which is 102 miles away from my high school. we haven’t kept in touch for so long and after my mother’s long lecture on how I can’t live in my room forever and I have no life…well I’m proving to her I do…well I’m trying to anyway.

Alex rushes in a pulls my mother into a tight hug before giving her a peck on the cheek. My mother smiles and looks up at me. I raise an eyebrow and laugh.

“You two have fun” she says before closing the door behind us.

“So how have you been?” Alex asks.

I drop my head in my hands.

“Not good, I miss Isabelle” I sigh.

Alex squeezes my shoulder; I lift my head and move up so he can sit next to me.

“So there’s a chick in your life, good move man! I always thought you’d end up being gay or a male nun” he laughs.

I hit him on the arm and shake my head.

“Thanks man, can always count on you to cheer me up”

In a serious tone, he asks “What happened?”

“What didn’t happen….”

After explaining to Alex the entire scenario he breathes deeply and gives me words of wisdom.

“You’re a dick”

Now that I already knew. Talk about stating the obvious.

“No shit Sherlock”

“Listen, she was drunk and she begged for you to take her back…and it seems like you’re in love with her and stop with the whole freedom crap! She loves you, I think. She might have been under stress which is why she wanted to let loose or she thought you might have wanted the good time and experience new things because of your insecurities about yourself. It isn’t always about you, you may have lost the one thing you had going for you….I know you think you’re worthless and you are" I had to chuckle. "But to her…you’re much more than some geeky know-it-all nerd who shows up 5 minutes early before class after lunch” Alex chugs an entire bottle of water after his rant.

 *** Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter xo Love you all...see if we can get me up to 1k reads! spread the word, :) thank you so much! i love writing and i know you guys love reading...please comment and vote <3 xo

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