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Evie stopped grabbing her pajamas. Dropping the Batman tank top and the red and black plaid sweat pants. She began to smell herself again, noticing the smell had gone from an ammonia based scent to a more of a sulfuric smell.

"What the heck?" Evie said speaking to herself, which is sadly an activity she does quite often. She smelled herself once again, only to find that she didn't smell like sulfur or ammonia. She smelled just as she had before, like hand sanitizer and cookies.

Her plump lips curved into a confused expression. First ammonia, then sulfur, now cookies and hand sanitizer. Evie shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts from her head. She grabbed her phone and began to walk to the bathroom.

When she reached the bathroom she opened Spotify, putting her playlist on shuffle. What do I Know by Ed Sheeren played through the Bluetooth speakers that Evie had placed throughout her apartment, which is most likely the reason none of her neighbors like her. Because only Evie Lester would listen to Green Day, volume at full blast, at two in the morning while playing Legend of Zelda.

As Evie stepped into the shower she let the hot water seep into her pale skin, hopefully washing away chemicals. As Nirvana's Smells like Teen Spirit came on she stepped out of the warm water into the cold air, which is always the worst part of a shower. She began to go through the elements again until she got to the element iron.

By now the evaporated water that had collected on the mirror began to clear away. Evie began to dry her hair and looked into the mirror. When she saw her, but covered in iron.

She rubbed her eyes, "What the -?" She said, only to open her green eyes once again to find that she was just as her normal self. Evie sighed, "Screw studying, I need sleep."

She went over to her bed, flopping down on the Batman comforter. She felt part of the bed weigh down as Alice jumped up next to her. Alice began to sniff Evie's auburn hair. Evie looked up and smiled, running her hand through Alice's soft fur.

"Alice, what's happening to me?" Evie said to the malimut puppy. The only thing the dog did was roll over onto her stomach. "You think I should show trust? Did you even listen to a word I said? It's almost like chemicals that shouldn't be in my body have gone into my body." Alice began to wag her tail and bark, "Alice, this is the point where I start ignoring you and your advice." Evie sighed, "Maybe I should be like Ed and just say What do I know."

Suddenly there was a shadow at her window that Evie saw out of the corner of her eye. She sat up and opened the window, sticking her head out the window. Seeing a slim figure running across the roof tops of the apartments. Evie had this sudden urge to follow the figure. She stood on the window ledge, closing it behind her so Alice wouldn't follow, and began to climb. She hopped from window to window, trying to the roof. Don't look down, don't look down. Look down and you're dead. Evie said to herself.

Once she got to the roof she saw that the person was only about two hundred feet away. Evie began running after him, making sure to dodge any possible thing that could hit her.

As she got closer to the figure she could make out a few things. It was a tall young woman, probably in her early thirties. The woman was skinny, had long dark hair, and from the looks of it, two katanas, both strapped around her torso. Now a duel katana wielding woman was no match for weak teen Evie Lester who didn't have any weapons, but Evie figured, might as well test her theory now. The theory being about the strange occurrences that have been happening lately.

"Hey!" Evie yelled, the teenager being about fifty feet from her now, "Why are you on my roof lady? I'd appreciate it if you stepped the frick off."

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