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Robin and Evie sat in her apartment's living room drinking coffee. They sat next to each other on her couch in utter silence. It was about three in the morning, but neither of them cared. Evie needed to get some stuff off her chest.

"Evie, you said you needed to tell me something." He placed his hand on her knee. "What is it?"

Evie sighed, "Can I trust you not to tell anyone on the team. I want to tell them when I'm ready."

"Oh course Evie." He said quietly.

"Has Batman, has Batman mentioned me before? I mean before the explosion?" Evie said looked down at her feet.

"Uh, no. Not that I can think of why?" Dick asked, looking at her.

"Well, I don't know how to put this." She sighed, setting the drink down. She then took a deep breath, "OksowhenIwaslittlehesavedmefromJokerandthenheputmeinanoprophange."

"Evie!" He grabbed her shoulders, "calm down, slow down. Now what did you say."

"Batman saved me from, from Joker. My Dad." Evie said, keeping eye contact at a bare minimum.

"Oh, okay. But what does that have to do with tonight?"

"After I got Braxton back to his place, oh by the way I don't think we should put him on the team, he's kinda useless. I means he's a cutie, but he's powers are pretty useless." She cleared her throat. "Sorry I'm rambling. Anyways, after that I was going to get some food but someone yanked me into an alley, Joker. He wants me to do some dirty work for him, but I said I wouldn't, that's when he cut me." She gently traced the cuts on her right cheek with the tips of her fingers.

"What exactly did he want?"

"Wanted me to get some intel or something. He handed me a USB but I just smashed it on the ground, then told him to basically go screw himself."

"I see." Dick began to trail of when Evie's voices began to interrupt.

Wait, he hasn't asked about Joker at all.

He hasn't? I thought he did.

No I don't think so.

Yeah I'm looking in the script, he didn't say that.

"Dick, did you not hear me about Joker being my dad."

"Yeah, yeah I heard." Dick said as he took a sip from his coffee, "Hey random question, why are you always drinking coffee? Do you need some sort of rehab for it? How often do you sleep?"

"Dick stay on topic! Maybe three hours a night. Did you, did you know I'm Joker's daughter?" Evie asked in a confused look.

"Evie, I've known that for a while. Since the explosion in fact. Batman told me." Dick said, attempting extremely badly at holding back a laugh.

Evie looked up at him with eyes the size of softballs, "What, what? Why didn't you ask about it?"

"I just figured you'd tell me when you were ready." Dick said, setting a hand on her knee, "And, since we're confessing, I might as well confess to you."

"I'm sorry? What do you mean by that?" Evie asked.

"Evie, every since we went to the charity ball together I've been trying to tell you that I li-" He was then cut off by Alice running to the door and crying.

"Crap she has to go out!" She looked at Dick, "Dick I'll be right back. She grabbed Alice's leash and harness from its hook near the door and a slipped it over her. She then flung the door open and sprinted out, slamming it in the process.

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