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Evie sat on her living room couch watching tv in her Batgirl onesie. It was about three in the morning, which thankfully she didn't have an early lecture the following morning, in fact her ealiest class was at two in the after noon. She sipped hot chocolate from her Deadpool mug and used her other hand to run it through Alice's soft fur. On the tv was the only nature documentary she liked. It was one where the team of explores were attacked by a wild gorilla and never seen again. She watched as the leader of the team got clawed severely by the gorilla.

"Well isn't that mildly inconvenient." Evie mumbled as she sipped out of her hot chocolate. She gave it a confused look, "You got cold fast." She snapped her fingers, "Fire."

Now of course she thought fire would spawn from her hand. She would set the flame under the drink and heat it. But nothing happened, nothing at.

"Fire." Evie said again as she once again snapped her fingers. Still, there was nothing.

"Hello? Finger? Did you not hear me? I said fire." Evie asked her finger. "This is kinda your cue to set yourself on fire."

Evie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She didn't understand what was happening to her powers. She decided that it would only be appropriate to do an experiment.

She walked into her bathroom, standing in front of the mirror. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and mumbled.

"Helium? You there buddy?"

She kept her eyes closed for a few more seconds, fearing what the truth might be. She opened to reveal, herself. Just her standing in her bathroom wearing her Batgirl onesie.

Tears began to well up on her eyes, she had lost her powers. She slid down the wall and sat on the cold tile floor. She buried her face in her hands and began to cry.

"Evie?" A faint voice said.

She looked up and saw no one.

"Evie wake up." The voice said.

That's when Evie jolted awake. She looked around and saw she was sitting in the bioship with the team. She felt an arm on her shoulder, shaking her awake. She looked over her shoulder to see who rudely awoke it. It was Sarah.

"Hey, sorry, but we're almost there." Sarah said.

"Uh okay. Where exactly?" Evie asked.

"Are you serious? You forgot in the span of an hour?" Sarah asked as Evie shook her head to say yes. Sarah sighed, "We're going to the African Jungle to investigate a disappearance of a team of explores."

"Oh! Like that one documentary?" Evie asked.

"Evie? What are you talking about?" Sarah asked in a monotone voice.

The ship landed and the team stepped out.

Evie walked to Aqua Lad. "So what's the plan?"

Aqua Lad groaned, "I don't know. If the team will try to cooperate then we could figure out a plan."

"We wouldn't need a plan if you trusted us!" Wally asked.

"How does that even make sense?" Sarah asked her red headed crush.

"Kid I was tryin-" Aqua Lad was then interrupted.

"What? Trying to keep us safe?" Dick asked. "You may be the oldest but we aren't kids!"

Wally and Dick soon left, with Sarah and Grace right behind them. Then it was Artemis and M'gann, then Kaldur and Captain Marvel. Then it just left Evie.

Evie looked to the left, then the right, then back to the left. "I have no idea what's going on."

I have a plan.

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