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Grace, Sarah and Evie stood in a corner of the cave watching everyone spar. They were talking about the three boys they all fancied. Grace, who was attracted to Connor was talking about his muscles and eyes. Sarah, who obviously liked Wally, talked about how annoying he was. Evie on the other hand, just stood there, and watched Dick closely.

Just then Batman and Red Tornado walked in the cave through the Zeta- tube.

"Team," Batman said, "you have a new mission."

Everyone lined up as Batman began to debrief them. He pulled up a picture of a fancy building. "This is the Metropolis Gala. We have intel that a drug cartel will be there. There will be many ambassadors there, along with many celebrities. They could easily put them under the influence. Your job is to go undercover and make sure that doesn't happen." He then turned to the team. "This mission will only require about six members. Who we have already picked. Robin, Chemical Kid, Hunter, Superboy, Elemental, and Kid Flash."

Evie turned to look at Sarah and Grace who were at the end of the line. The three grinned at each other, knowing instantly who they would pair themselves with.

After the meeting the three girls went to Sarah and Grace's then to Evie's to get ready. The three boys stayed in the living room in the mountain to strategize.

"Okay, so how are we going to ask each girl?" Wally asked the other two.

"I don't know," Dick stated, "I figured we would let the girls decided who they wanted to be with."

"I just thought I would text Grace and ask." Connor said.

The two boys laughed as Wally spoke up, "Dude, it's not that easy."

"Why not?" Connor asked.

"You have to strategize." Dick said.

Just then Dick and Wally's phones both pinged.

They got the same text from two different girls. Dick got a text from Evie and Wally got one from Sarah.

The one that Dick got said the following.

Hey Rob, you want to pair up or whatever?

And the one Wally got was.

Hey Wally! Do you want to be my date?

Just then Connor's phone went off.

Hello old bean, do you wish to accompany me to this wonderful establishment?

"What the heck?" Dick asked.

"Evie what the heck?" Grace asked as she looked up from her phone. "Do you think I say old bean?"

"No, but I thought this was suppose to be a fancy thing." Evie said as she took her phone from Sarah. Her green eyes widened, "Sarah! I sound so uninterested!"

"Because I am as well." Sarah said looked at her phone. "And Grace is over here making me sound like M'gann."

"Ew." Grace and Evie said simultaneously.

"Well!" Evie said as she stood up, "Whose ready for make overs?"

Evie ran into her bathroom and grabbed all her make-up stuff. On her way back to the living room she took a sharp right and walked into the door to her bed room. After recovering she walked in to check on their masks.

On her desk were three masks. The one on the right was a creme color with a pearl outline. The mask itself was part of a page from the Yule Ball scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In the left hand corner was a beautiful feathery ornament that was super glued on. The one in the middle was red on the right side with gold decorations; the left side was gold with red accent. The border was outlined with a gold trim. And the third was still on a mannequin head. Evie remembered how hard it was to make that mask out of her 3D pen, then sadly covering it in black and blue glitter.

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