Surfs Up

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Veronica plopped down into one of the cozy armchairs in the lounge. "I need a vacation."

"Rough day, huh?" Betty asks sympathetically.

"Yeah." Veronica tossed Betty her homework planner. It was filled with essays and projects, along with grades and loose paper.

"Yikes." Jughead grabbed the notebook and flipped through it. "Shoot! We have an essay in History?"

Veronica nodded and ran a hand through her perfectly shiny hair.

Archie walks in and sits down on the armrest of Veronica's chair. "Did you guys know spring break was next week?"

"What!?" The other three practically yelled.

"I know, right? This school really sucks at sending out information. Do you guys wanna drive down to the beach or something?"

"Yes!" A wave of relief washed over Veronica's face.

"How the heck did we not know next week was spring break?" Jughead asked, walking over to the vending machine.

"Beats me." Betty sighed. "Let's get planning!"

One week later...

The four pile into Betty's yellow buggy.

"Did everyone bring the assigned items?"

"I've got the snacks!" Jughead sputtered, a mouth already full of chips.

"I've got the credit card!" Veronica waved a bright red card through the air and placed it in her blue Prada wallet.

"I've got the towels, umbrellas, and my surfboard!" Archie patted the roof of the car where his board sat, tightly bound to the roof.

"And I've got the sick ride" With that, they buckled their seat belts, rolled down the windows, stuck a tape into the player, and left on their adventure!


"Are we there yetttttt?" Archie complained for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"Do you see a beach?" Veronica said irritatedly. "That's what I thought."

"Let's play a game!" Betty exclaimed. "Let's try and find a sign that starts with every letter of the alphabet!"

"That sounds really stupid." Jughead muttered from behind his journal.

"Well, and don't play." Betty said already searching for the letter 'A'.

"OOh!" Archie screeched. "Applebee's in two miles! Haha!"

"Finally," Veronica mumbled.

They played the game for about an hour. Or rather, Archie played the game for about an hour.

"S, S, S." He whispered to himself, eyes darting excitedly around the street of the beach town.

"Arch." Veronica poked him.

"Just a second!" He pushed her hand away.

"Archie" She repeated a second time.

"Fine! What?" He looked at the three amused faces standing outside the car door. "Oh! We're here!"

"There it is!" Jughead patted his friend on the back. "Now, who's ready for the beach?"

Veronica set up her tanning station: Her purple towel, tanning oil, and the summer issue of InStyle Magazine. Jughead jammed an umbrella into the sand and unfolded his chair, setting his shoulder bag next to it. Betty slathered sunscreen on her pale skin and grabbed her floppy sun hat. Archie unstrapped his surfboard from the top of the car and ran off towards the waves.

Jughead was completely engrossed in the story he was writing for the Blue and Gold and Veronica had dozed off in the sun with her magazine across her face. Betty, taking a look at her boring friends, set off to go find Archie. She was in desperate need of some fun. She found him sitting on his surfboard.

"Hey, Betty!"


"So, how has your vacation been so far?"

"Honestly, it could use some more excitement."

"Do you want me to teach you? I'm not great, but it probably beats sitting around doing nothing."

"Uh, yeah, sure!" She smiled innocently.

"Great! Ok. So first, get on."

He held the surfboard steady while jumped up.

"Ok, I think you should try surfing on your knees first. It's a little easier. So lie on your stomach, and start paddling with your arms. Once you get moving, try and get up on your knees!"

"Ok!" Betty lied down on the board and started to paddle. She got up on her knees with ease. "Now what?"

"Try not to fall off!" Archie was surprised she had already started to get the hang of it on the first try.

"I want to try something harder!"

"Um ok! I guess you can try and stand up next!"

"Can you show me first?" Betty asked, a mischievous grin painted across her face

Confused at her facial expression, he got on and started off, standing up on the board with a slight wobble and started to move with the waves.

"Now you try!" He pushed the surfboard over to Betty. She hopped on and started to paddle.

Eventually she stood up with ease. She angled a small wave, but and moved back towards the bigger ones. Astonished, Archie watched the girl pull off tricks that he couldn't even do! The blonde eventually came back towards the shore, diving off of the board when she reached her befuddled friend.

"H- H- How? What?" the redhead stuttered, at a loss for words.

"Silly Archie. I think you are forgetting who taught you how to surf."

A/N: Hello everyone! This one was kind of strange but whatever. Also, I just realized that we have two barchie friendship oneshots in a row... I guess they are just easy to write about lol. BUT ALSO, 3k VIEWS???? Y'ALL ARE GREAT THANKS SO MUCH!!!

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