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  Nancy had tooken me out of school.

"With your parents. Cade and his child and The council. I think school should be the last thing on your mind"  Nancy said, tossing my bookbag in trash. I sighed.

I looked over to the brown leathered book that sat on the table.

"Are you going to read it? Its been there for days" She said looking over at it.

"I dont know. What happens if I read about something I dont wanna read?" I asked myself.

"Wheres the Carla I know? The one that took risk for fun?" She bumped me on the shoulder. I smiled.

I pulled myself up and over to the table grabbing it.

"Flip to a random page. Get a taste of it" She said, making a motion with her hands. I looked down at it. Tracing my hand over the cover, staring at the name.

Who are you Arthur?

I flipped the book open to a random page. A paragraph on one side. On the other a sketch of a woman. My mother.

It read:

She was darling. A beautiful rose. Her name was Adaline. She was everything I wanted. The one I needed but she is Human. It would be wronged, Ive lived to long and I get punished by loving a human. Times are changing, Its time to take a risk.

"Its my father. This is my fathers book!" I yelled. Nancy snatched it from me.

"I suppose so" She said skimming through it. " Theres alot in here"

"This could hold so much secrets. Answers to Unanswered Questions!" I smiled.

"Does this mean your dads dead?" She asked.

I went to the last page. It was only written in only a weel ago. A little after I got the letter.

"Its a possibility. But it couldn't. They have been watching me. So who else would drop off that letter?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Hello?" A knock on the door. Nancy opened it. It was quinn.

"Is Carla here?" She smiled. I shook my head at Nancy. She smiled at her.

"Come in" she said. Quinn smiled at me. I fake smiled back.

"Cade told me but I was really hoping it wouldnt ruin our new friendship. So I tracked you down. Funny huh" She huffed and sat down.

This girl gave a very uneasy feeling. She was human. He mated with a human!? The next time I see-

"Carla?" Quinn asked. I looked over to her. " I would like to talk to you about something" She smiled.

"Hm?" I asked. She grabbed my hands.

"I want you to throw me a baby shower. Its a girl by the way. I was thinking having it here" she smiled."

"I-" nancy cut me off mid sentence with a squeal.

"We would love too. How about tomorrow" She smiled. I glared at her.

What was she thinking? I barely wanted to even think about the situation. Now im throwing a party for Cades baby!?

"O.m.g thank you!" She squealed. " Ill see you guys tomorrow!" She left.

"Are you crazy!?" I asked.

"What? Its the perfect chance for you and Cade to talk it out. No matter what, Hes your mate and he bit you, so your kinda stuck with him and his baby" She shrugged and grabbed her car keys. " Now hurry, we have a party to get ready for."

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