Chapter 2

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Monse stared at herself in the mirror.

What do you wear when you are going got tell your best friend whom you have-- thrown up on multiple times--- whose seen you naked (okay we were 5 but still) --- whose seen you snort milk out of your nose --- that you are in love with him?

She wondered if she should google that.

"Stop it Monse" she scolded herself "you are so over thinking this!" she started pacing her room "you just need to tell him!"

"Tell who what?"

Monse spun around to face her window her hand on her chest "OH MY GOD Cesar! You almost gave me a heart attack" Oh great he was here! at her window! What had he heard? What had she been saying? She didn't even remember that.

Cesar rolled his eyes and pulled himself up through into her room "Well I wouldn't have had to give you a heart attack if you had been at my place for the Party!"

Monse looked at her phone and frowned "Its 6 Cesar" she rolled her eyes "we were supposed to meet up at 8 and head there at NINE" she crossed her arms.

"I know" Cesar smiled sheepishly "I just missed you!"

Monse's heart thumped dangerously, there he went again, saying things that made her crazy and well uymm Hot?

Monse quickly turned around to face her mirror and almost groaned – great she was wearing her dad's shirt which had holes in it, awesome when you wanted the boy you were crushing on to think you were sexy.

"Aww Cesar I missed you too" Cesar said sarcastically interrupting her thoughts.

Monse looked up at him and rolled her eyes, "You goof I'm not even dressed yet, you should've texted me that you were coming early" she tugged at the bottom of her shirt.

Cesar's eyes roamed all over her from her feet to her eyes – slow – twice – Monse shivered and looked away from his gaze.

"I think you look great" Cesar said sitting down at her desk "Infact a think those holes could be a bit bigger" he waggled his eyebrows up and down.

Monse laughed and threw a pillow at him "You are such a perv Cesar"

Cesar grinned "So we've got 3 hours to kill before meeting up with Ruby and Jamal, what do you want to do?" he leaned back and yawned making his shirt ride up several inches showing his smooth tan stomach.

Monse stared knowing she probably looked like an idiot but damn!! he was fine.

Cesar smiled at looked intently at Monse "Unless you want to stay here and just check me out that is"

Monse looked up embarrassed "I wasn't checking you out – its not like you're Gino" she blurted out the first name that came to her tongue.

"Gino?" Cesar laughed "you think Gino Coaria is Cute?"

"Not cute" Monse corrected and grabbed a pair of jeans and sweater and walked into her bathroom "I think he's hot" she shouted right before she shut the bathroom door shut.

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