Chapter 16

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"Cesar look" Monse pointedly excitedly at the sky, Cesar looked up and saw a bright light whooshing across the sky. "A shooting star" He murmured. Monse grinned "Want to make a wish?"

Cesar laughed "That stuff is for kids c'mon Monse"

Monse waved him away with her hand "Well I'm going to -- and when mine comes true you'll feel bad about not making yours" she stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed.

"Okay" Cesar smiled "I'll make one too" he closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and when he opened them, he quickly scooched closer to Monse and wrapped his arms around her.

Monse raised her eyebrows "What are you doing?" she asked

Cesar smiled "Making sure my wish comes true" he whispers and leans forward to kiss her. She tastes so sweet so nice, she opens her mouth and deepening the kiss and his heart starts to pound hard.

Cesar cupped her face to hold her in place and rubbed his thumb along Monse's smooth jawline.

He leaned forward, pushing Monse back, shifting his weight onto his elbows. Kissing her felt so amazing, it was like all his nerve endings were on fire, there was a nagging feeling in his stomach that he was supposed to tell her something, but it didn't stop him from tracing the edge of Monse's lip with his tongue, and it didn't stop the deep groan from escaping when Monse dragged her short nails up the length of Cesar's arms, and down his back. Cesar shifted again, bringing his leg up so he could rest more of his weight on her. Monse bucked up against him. Cesar slipped his arms underneath him and tried to grind his hips down against Monse, Monse broke off the kiss and gasped, "Cesar! Stop!" Cesar pulled back puzzled "what's wrong?"

Monse looked around looking embarrassed and petrified "They can all see us"

Cesar furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "what who are you talking about?"

Monse's eyes were wide "Look around you"

Cesar lifted his head and saw that they were surrounded by the Santos, Oscar and Ruby and Jamal. His mouth fell open, what were they even doing here?

The Santos and Oscar were laughing, and Ruby and Jamal were shaking their heads. "I can't believe you'd this" Ruby said "You broke the crew up and you've insulted Monse in front of everyone"

"Damn little brother" Oscar grinned "when you're done with that can I have a turn?"

Cesar looked at Monse who was looking at him terrified, "What did you tell them?" she whispered looking around her

"I was just trying to protect you" Cesar protested trying to make her understand.

"No" Monse screamed you stay away from me, "stay away" she started to run and he tried to run after her but before he could reach her, Oscar appeared in front of her and blocked her way, he smiled at her and scooped her in his arms, Monse screamed and thrashed and Oscar smiled and looked Cesar straight in the eyes and said, "time to have some fun".

"No" Cesar said loudly and woke up with a start, he looked around and took a deep breath, and tried to calm down his racing heart, just a dream, just a dream. It had been just a dream.

He sat up in his bed, he couldn't believe how much things had become messed up in the past few weeks.

A few weeks his life had been great, he was starting high school with his best friends at his side, he was planning on meeting with counsellors so he could start working on picking a college and he had finally told Monse that he wanted to be more than just her friend and not only did she feel the same way, they'd had shared the most amazing night ever.

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