Chapter 13

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"So ill see you in ten weeks?" Cesar asked Monse sadly, looking like a 3 year old whose favourite toy was being taken away.

"Yeah" Monse smiled, hanging around at her front door. She should say goodbye, go back inside—her Dad would be home soon, but saying goodbye to Cesar, specially after what had happened between them, was seeming really hard right now.

"Will you have your phone there with you?" Cesar asked

Monse shook her head "They have really bad reception there actually so we've been instructed not to bring them" she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear "but we will be allowed to make weekly calls and calls in case of emergencies from the camp office"

"Yeah" Cesar murmured "but you should save those for your dad"

Monse smiled, he always knew what the right thing to say was. 

"You'll write to me right?" Cesar asked her, seeming as reluctant to leave as she was.

Monse rolled her eyes "Duh ofcourse do you even have to ask?"

Cesar smiled "Just making sure you remember and all the cool creative people you meet at camp don't distract you too much"

Monse laughed "Even if I meet the coolest writers I've ever met, you think ill forget about you?" she asked quietly.

"Nah I know you wont" Cesar grinned "Just wanted wanted to hear you say it"

Monse rolled her eyes "You can be so crazy"
she shoved him by pushing lightly on his shoulder, he grabbed her hand and held it in-between his own and stroked her palm.

"Well" He said shrugging "You make me",Monse's stomach dropped. Whoosh.  There was the rollercoaster again albeit it was a tiny one this time but there it was again.

She couldn't believe she could have that effect on Cesar Diaz of all people. God she was going to miss him so much.

"Goodbye Monse" Cesar whispered and pulled her close and kissed her, it was soft and sweet and perfect, it reminded Monse of everything that had happened a few hours ago, in bright vivid detail.

He moved his lips against hers torturously slow as if he wanted to kiss in her slow motion to make the moment last forever.  After what seemed like eternity and a millisecond at the same time, they pulled away and looked at each other carefully as if trying to memorise the others face.

"So I'll see you" Monse whispered her heart suddenly feeling very heavy.

A few hours ago she was feeling so elated that she had finally told him the truth and now her heart was clenching in pain at the fact that she wouldn't see him for another 2 months!

"Yep" Cesar said "and ill be here waiting" he stuck his hands in his pockets "with Ruby and Jamal driving me insane, without you around"
"You aren't going to say anything to them right?" Monse asked suddenly remembering that now they had a huge secret to hide from their other two best friends.

Cesar shook his head a firm no "I definitely think we should keep this between us – you and me --- Its good this way " he leaned in towards her ear and whispered "besides secrets are really HOT"

Monse bit her lip, it was taking a lot of effort to not grab him by the collar and take him back to her room again.

Cesar sighed " I really should get going before I take you back to your room and your Dad gets home and kills me"

Monse giggled and shook her head. It was so weird how they were thinking the same thing.
"See you soon Bud" She said softly and gave him a little nudge on the arm.

Cesar's face softened,  there was a very long pause where he just stared back and forth between her eyes and the ground.

Suddenly, Monse crossed the distance between them and leaned up to kiss his cheek. Her lips were warm there, and the chaste cheek kiss felt much much more intense and intimate than the one they had just shared. But after a second, she pulled away and wrapped him in a warm hug, and he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her as well.

Monse took a struggling breath in an attempt to calm her emotions enough to speak.

"I'll miss you like crazy" She whispered, voice breaking. And with that she squeezed him tighter one last time, and pulled away.

He smiled halfheartedly at her as if he didn't want to say goodbye and turned and walked away, he had just gotten a few steps down the street before he turned back and yelled, "Don't forget to write"

Monse chuckled "Cesar I'm going to writing camp" she yelled back " I don't think ill forget to write."

He grinned "Ill be waiting by my mailbox Miss Finnie, don't break my heart" he laughed and turned around and ran down the street, taking Monse's breath right with him.

Hey guys. This was a bit short I know. I had a little more written but that was a different scene and I didn't want it to be in the same scene as Cesar and Monse say goodbye.

Also I just wanted to say. I've been loving the comments — each and everyone even if it says update please makes my day so you can imagine how happy the long ones make me. Hehe. 
Also to everyone who wants to know how far I'm planning on taking this , the name is a big hint "Our Summer" so all of you freaking out over the night ending — don't be sad my cuties,  there's still lots more to this story like for example  **spoiler alert** spooky telling Cesar that he wants to get with Monse !!! Eeekkkkk that's going to be a good one !! So stay tuned and thanks for reading. Love you all. ❤️❤️.


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