Chapter 12

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"I can't believe it" Cesar whispered in Monse's ear startling her "I seriously cant believe we just did that" he lifted his head and looked at Monse breathlessly "um I don't know if it's the right thing to say right now but .... God Monse!!!  Thankyou!!"

Monse covered her mouth and smiled. God he was just so silly. She wanted to laugh aloud at his silliness but she was feeling the after effects of their actions, and there were pains and aches in a lotttt  of places.

Cesar rolled off her and lay on his side looking intently at her — "Hey are you okay?"

Monse nodded and looked at him feeling a million emotions all at once "I'm okay" she said softly and turned on her side and yawned "I'm just really tired and really thirsty and kinda sleepy" 

"I'm gonna get you a glass of water I'll be right back" Cesar whispered, got up, pulled on his pants and went downstairs.

Monse felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier, she couldn't believe had just slept with her best friend and it had been one of the best nights of her life. She wanted to stay awake and jump around but staying awake was turning into a chore right now.

Cesar hurried back into the room with a glass of water in his hand, he stopped and smiled when he saw Monse was totally knocked out.

He went over to her and sat on the bed, there was a part of him that was dreading the day after. He didn't want to be reminded of her leaving, he only wanted her.

Her eyes were still closed and her chest moved up and down as she slept. He reached out and ran his fingers down her spine, her expression was peaceful, the hard expression of the guard she usually had up was softened by sleep. She suddenly seemed much younger than him, which was silly they were the same age but she seemed so small so young --much too young for any of the things he had done to her tonight.

He raised himself up on his elbows, careful not to wake her. He remembered what they did, how it had felt to be inside of her, and waited for a shock of guilt or anxiety to shoot through him. But none ever came. He didn't regret what he'd done, not even for a moment. Maybe it hadn't been advisable, but it had felt good. And he was sick of denying her to himself when he knew he wanted to be with her so bad. He lay down next to her and watched her as she slept.


A few hours later, Monse woke up with a start when someone laid a hand upon her bare shoulder. Her eyes snapped open to see Cesars face hovering over her.

"It wasn't a dream," she whispered.

Cesar laughed and said "Nope, definitely not a dream" he said, even though he'd thought the same thing himself for a moment. It seemed like a dream-but if it was a dream, then they'd both had the same one and that was even more unlikely.

"Oh God that was so" Monse turned on her back and stretched "amazing!" she turned back to him and looked at him intently "I had no idea it would be like that"

He couldn't help smirking. "What were you expecting?"

"I don't know. It wasn't something I thought about, not nearly as much as I would have liked." Monse said honestly

"But you thought about it?"

Monse looked away embarrassed "Don't tell me that you didn't."

"Once or twice." Cesar said nonchalantly and looked sideways at Mose and saw her looking at him with her eye brows "once or twice – everyday" he added "for the past year" he grinned

She laughed and they kissed again, sweet and slow. They were still learning each other and each kiss was new and thrilling.

Finally, Monse broke away, she closed her eyes and winced a little

"Hey," he whispered concern evident on his face" How're you feeling?"

She slowly sat up and stretched her arms above her head, one after another. When she looked over at Cesar, she found him staring at her but his attention was definitely not on her actions. It was instead riveted to a point about six inches below her chin.

Rather than being embarrassed by her nakedness, she instead turned toward Cesar and leaned forward a little. "Actually, I'm feeling a little perved at" she said trying not to laugh.

Cesar closed his eyes and swallowed on a dry throat. After silently counting to ten, he opened his eyes (carefully looking up into her sparkling brown eyes) and said, "I'm glad you find my torment amusing"

Monse giggled at Cesar's reaction. "I'm feeling fine, thank you. Have you been up all this time? What time is it anyway? Did you sleep at all?"

Cesar again closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. "Monse, I don't think I'll be able to hold an intelligent conversation with you if you don't get some clothes on."

"Oh, fine fine pervy." She pulled the sheet up and tucked it firmly under her arms. "Is this better?"

Cesar cracked open one eye for a moment before the second one opened fully. "I liked the view before, but at least this way I can talk without becoming distracted." He took another breath "As I was saying, how do you feel?"

She shrugged, absently combing the fingers of one hand through her hair in a half-hearted attempt to detangle it. "I'm fine. How're you feeling?"

Cesar smiled and tucked one strand of her hair behind her ear, "I don't think they invented a word for how I'm feeling right now"

Monse laughed, "So I'm guessing pretty good?"

Cesar scratched his chin "I would use the words ecstatic, awesome, proud"

"Proud?" Monse asked him curious. Cesar shrugged and smugly, "Well if the sounds you were making weren't fake – I'd say I have the right to be prettyyy proud" He grinned at her.

Monse groaned "Oh My God I'm going to be looking at that smug face face for weeks now aren't I?"

Cesar's eyes softened and lost their sparkle a bit "Nope – just for another hour actually"

"What" Monses eyes flew open "what time is it?"

Cesar sighed "we've got about an hour till your dad gets home and then you have to get ready and leave for camp" he said softly.

Monse looked at his face all sad and almost wanted to say she shouldn't go but no, one night with her crush and she was going to turn into that girl? Hell no. No matter how amazing the sex had been.

Okay not the best thing to think about right now.

"On hour huh?" she cleared her throat "want me to make you some breakfast?" she leaned over and reached for her shirt "I could make the blue berry pancakes you love so much?"

Cesar reached out and grabbed her arm "Actually" he whispered looking straight into her eyes "If you're feeling alright – I had another idea"


Here's your update folks and for all of you worried about how you're gonna get your Cesar and Monse fix after this-- don't worry we've still got a couple of chapters left :D !  

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