Chapter 17

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Hi Guysss so the new chapter is finally upppp! REJOICE !!  but I'm sure you'll aren't too happy because it is the end of this Fic ☹, Guys I have loved each and every comment you'll have left me, and have had so much fun writing this! So here goes! Enjoy the last chapter andddd

there might be a little happy news at the end!

Happy Reading!


Monse Twirled a strand of her hair in between her fingers, she was trying to concentrate on a short story she was writing but her mind kept drifting back to Cesar, she shook her head, man she didn't want to become one of those girls who thought about boys all the time.  That would not be cool.

She suddenly had an idea, well she could always use her Cesar mind block and turn it into an inspiration, she smiled and quickly began to scribble away in her notebook, adding a romantic touch to her short story.

"Well, well Monse" she congratulated herself after writing for a couple of minutes "You are indeed a genius" she stared at the paper and sighed wistfully, she really missed Cesar.

His stupid jokes and his amazingly intense eyes and that ridiculously perfect mop of hair, but more than anything she was missing his kisses right now and the way he had made her feel before she left for camp.

"So much for being distracted" Monse muttered, she was just thinking about him more now, she bit her lip, maybe she should call him? Hell no. did she really want to be one of those girls that got all clingy over guys.

"Nonsense" Monse muttered "Cesar won't care, he doesn't think like that, nothing's changed"

Except everything had.

She would be lying to herself if she said nothing had changed, what had happened between them had changed everything. It felt like things had changed in a good way before but now that she was away from Cesar and the high of it all, there were a lot of thoughts running through her head and not all of them were that reassuring.

She got up , stuffed all her things in her bag and got up from the common room. Her writing classes were about start in an hour, she should go get some breakfast before then and find Tony too.

She was really really glad she had found Tony, there were two amazing benefits to having her around, one, she was a GIRL !! yayy! Hanging around Cesar, Ruby and Jamal all the time sometimes made her forget that. Well until recently it had. Also, since she was no way near Freeridge she could talk about Cesar to her all she wanted and not worry about a thing getting out.

She looked up at the sky, it was a really pretty morning, the sky was super blue, the air crisp clear, the weather was warm, Cesar was running at her at full speed --- wait! WHAT ON EARTH?

Monse squinted and then her mouth fell open, Cesar was running towards her – really fast – it was him – he was here – at camp – and he was being chased by the camp guards.

"What the hell?" Monse dropped her bag and ran to meet him.

Cesar stopped in front of him gasping for breath, grinned at her and said "Hey there fancy seeing you here"

Monse just gaped at him open mouthed "What on earth are you doing here?" She asked her tone incredulous, but a huge smile plastered across her face "You idiot" she laughed "they could call the cops" she jumped up and hugged him tight "You are in so much trouble you idiot!"

Cesar hugged her back really tight and laughed with her "You know Monse? Your actions and words are really contradicting each other right now" he squeezed her so tight he lifted her off the ground, his abdomen hurt like crazy from hugging her so tight, but he didn't care. It felt so good to finally see her and hold her. He literally felt like all his problems just vanished by looking at her.

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