Chapter 10

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Monse had been alone in her house Cesar lots of times but she had never imagined one day they'd be alone like this, Giddy with excitement, sneaking around, ecstatic at being alone. Honestly, it was all kind of overwhelming.

Monse tried to chain her front door up but it was really hard to do that with Cesar's tongue in her ear.
"Cesar could you stop for a minute — I'm trying  to —- ummm " Monse lost her train of thought totally as Cesar started to kiss her neck.

"The doors locked" Cesar kissed her neck "you bolted it" he kissed her behind her ear  "you've chained it" her collarbone "you're dad won't be home until 6am" her shoulder, then he spun her around so she was facing him "so now you can concentrate on me"

Monse wove her hands together behind Cesar's neck and looked at him seriously "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything" Cesar murmured running his fingers down her back.

"Can we keep this to ourselves ?" Monse asked gesturing towards themselves "till we both atleast know what "this" is"

Cesar was quiet for a moment and then he nodded " I was actually thinking the same thing" he sighed "it's best that we keep this a secret — I don't think Ruby and Jamal are going to be too comfortable with this" he frowned "and I don't want to break the gang up" he looked at Monse "and I also don't us to be the kind of people who sacrificed their friendship just cuz they couldn't keep their hands to themselves" he grinned.

Monse smiled "You'll always be my best friend Cesar" she ran a finger down his chest. "Now there's just a lot of added benefits to having you around" she looked at him suggestively.

Cesar laughed and spun her around "why Miss Finnie? Are you planning on taking advantage of me ?!"

"Oh shut up and kiss me" Monse said and bought her face upto his.

"Oh you don't have to say that again" Cesar leaned down, Monse turned her head away.
Cesar grinned "playing hard to get?"

"On the contrary you big goof" Monse stuck her tongue out at him and pushed him back on her living room couch and then straddled him.

For a moment, Monse glimpsed Cesar's eyes widening as she leaned down and pressed her lips to his. Her heart beat so fiercely she thought it might jump out from her chest.

Then she saw nothing as she closed her eyes shut.With her eyes closed, she only felt.

She was not new to kisses , but it had definitely been a while. And middle school awkward dance floor kisses didn't count. In many ways, tonight, Cesar had been her first kiss. The one she would always remember as her first. A first she would never forget.

For a several seconds he didn't move. He held himself still as against her and then his arms slipped around her and he was kissing her back, his lips parting against hers.

She opened her own mouth with a small gasp, and the sound drove Cesar insane. "Oh God" he mumbled and pulled her even closer. She pressed herself closer, tighter against him, her muscles straining to get ever nearer.

A shudder racked him as she tentatively put her tongue in his mouth. She buried her hands in his hair, pulling him up just as he urged her down against him. He kissed her, hard and fast and she moaned.

His hands roamed over her back, holding her tightly, fiercely. One of those hands slid around to span her ribcage, his thumb grazing her bare skin and her body burned from the inside out.

Cesar suddenly sat up with Monse still in his arms, he used his hands to wrap her legs around his waist while still kissing her then he stood up and practically ran to her bedroom carrying her.

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