Chapter 11

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"Monse" Cesar repeated "Do you want me to stop?" he closed his eyes "You gotta tell me now, if you want me to" he swallowed as he looked at her "cuz after a while I won't be able to"

Monse looked at him a thousand thoughts running through her mind. She had just told Cesar how she felt about him. Did she want to have sex with him the very same night ? That seemed so fast, so rushed, so  right —- wait a second did she just think it felt so "right"?

Monse looked up at Cesar who staring back at her like she was the most incredible thing he had ever seen.

Was she ready to have sex ? No.

Was she ready to have sex with Cesar—well that answer wasn't a firm no.

Not even close to a no.

"I just" Monse stuttered "I just" she too a deep breathe " I just want us to enjoy every moment we have together until it's our last." Monse finally said.

"But that isn't going to be tonight," Cesar said to her cupping her face "don't think that"

His hand smoothed the length of her hair as he gazed into her eyes, his expression tender and full of longing.

"No. It's not." Monse agreed.

His fingers trailed down her cheek to her lips, outlining the shape of her mouth. He bent down, his lips against her cheek, brushing it lightly, his hands found the edge of her t-shirt and lifted it up .

Shivers ran through her whole body, making her tremble. He brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple then traced the line of her jawbone while his hands caressed the smooth skin of her stomach.  

He kissed her gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness she wanted, not when time was so this short.

She knotted her fists in his shirt and pulled him closer. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled her, gathering her against him.

She could feel his warmth burning through his clothes and hers. She ran her fingers along his arm—soft skin over lean muscle. He fumbled as he pushed her shirt completely aside to kiss her stomach. She didn't think she'd ever seen his hands that unsteady before.

He released a pent-up breath, the sound like music "You're so perfect" he said and kissed her stomach again.

Her pulse tapped fast and her breath quickened with it. She pulled him up and stroked his cheek and kissed every inch of his neck until he moaned again. Or maybe she did ; they seemed to share each breath, each heartbeat. It felt as if the universe disappeared and all that remained was the two of them, holding each other.

She never wanted it to end. She felt feverishly alive, every nerve ending jangling as they touched each other.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." He said stroking the curve of her waist, she tried, unsuccessfully, to settle her heart back in her body.

Cesar hovered over her — sucking her throat and running his tongue gently across her collarbones down her chest where he kissed her open-mouthed, making her squirm. His hands slid up beneath her shirt and he pulled it slowly over her head, pausing to stare
at her.
"God you're beautful," the look on his face was pure longing and Monse looked away embarrassed.

Her fingers slid down the length of his chest and found the soft skin beneath his waistband. She took a deep breathe of courage. Slowly she popped open his button and tugged down his zipper, slipping her hands inside the denim. Her actions made his kisses to more forceful and his hands slipped to her waistband and he undid her jeans!

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