Chapter 5

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Monse chewed her lip and kicked at the water as she looked at the three boys goofing around in the pool. This was it. Their own little family, the gang.

Was she really thinking this through? Was what she was planning on doing a good idea ? what if she broke up the gang for good ? that would be terrible! What if by some miracle she got Cesar and lost Jamal and Ruby ? did she want that ? not really – actually not at all.

She shouldn't do it – yep she shouldn't or she should wait. Yeah that sounded better, she would wait. Till she came back from camp .. maybe she would like someone else there and realize this was just a phase. She should wait.

Cesar looked over at her and yelled "Why aren't you coming in the water?" she shrugged as he waded over to her "Don't really feel like it".

Cesar grabbed her kicking legs and kept them on either side of his waist.

His NAKED waist.

Monse's head spun. Cesar grinned "you always say that and you end up having the time of your life" He coaxed "Cmon in"

Monse stared at his dripping wet hair, his dark eyes sparkling with the tiny droplet clinging to his eye lashes, that toned chest, Oh God that smile --- who on earth was she kidding ? this was NOT a phase!! She was crazy about him and not telling him was going to kill her.

"I'll be right in Cesar" Monse said "Just give me a minute" she needed more than a minute – she needed hours – she needed to be away from him – needed a clear head – needed to think this through.

"Okay" Cesar let go of her legs and turned back towards Ruby and Jamal, just as Monse was about to about to hoist herself up, Cesar turned back around grabbed her legs and pulled her into the water.

"Cesar!! NOOO – you F—" that's all Monse could get out before she went under the water – she put both her hands on Cesars shoulder and yanked him down with her .. Cesar spluttered surprised  as he came up for air  with her and she laughed and tried to push him under again, he grabbed her hands before she pushed him and went underwater and pulled her down with him, Monse struggled and tried to get out of his grip but he let go of her arms and grabbed her by the waist.

Monse's eyes flew wide open under the water as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist in the water, she was inches away from his face – his arms were wrapped tightly around her , his fingers pressing into her back , she expected him to grin , push her under and go up and get air himself – but he didn't.

He stayed under water staring at her intently, as if he was looking at her for the first time, Monse's heart was thudding furiously --- sure it was partly due to the lack of breathing and oxygen, but she was pretty sure it was 90% Cesar holding her like he wanted to crush her into him.

She stared back and her eyes went to his lips -- she wanted to kiss him so baddd -- she shook her head, and struggled against him and pointed at the top signalling she was having trouble breathing. Cesar quickly snapped his head back and swam to the surface with her still in his arms. Monse coughed and spluttered as they broke the surface of the water, she felt Cesar push her wet hair away from her face and ask her "Hey hey you okay?" She looked up at him and he looked concerned, and it didn't look like it was "friendly" concern, she placed a hand on his shoulder and said "You know what .. I don't think I am".

Cesars brows furrowed together confused and he leaned in and said "What do you mean? Can you breathe okay?" Monse shook  her head slowly no "I don't think I can breathe okay and im pretty sure its not because you just tried to drown me".

Before Cesar could understand what she meant or before she could say more she realized Ruby and Jamal were both standing on the other side of the pool in the shallow end staring at them both.


Monse quickly pushed Cesar away and swam away from him "Cesar you idiot you almost drowned me—youre such a jerk – this wasn't funny" she reached the shallow end of the pool and turned to Ruby and Jamal and said "Guys I think Cesar needs to be Punished"

The boys grinned and said "Hell yes" and they quickly swam over to a protesting Cesar and started crazy splashing him and trying to push him under the water.

Monse laughed and got out of the pool and wrapped a towel around herself.

She looked at the three of them in the pool and felt her heart swell, man she loved them so much—putting aside her crazy hormonal feelings for Cesar at the moment—she loved all three of them so MUCH -- as family ! Could she really take the risk of messing up this amazing friendship?

Cesar pushed both the boys under the water, looked up at her , all serious and said "Monse.. I think you and me need to talk"

Monse's heart stopped, yep she could take that risk.


Hey Guys !! how am I doing so far ?? this night is far from over --- its about to get real intense here !! the more you comment – the more soon ill update :* 

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