Chapter 9

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"Monseeeeee" Ruby bounded over to Monse and wrapped his arms around her "you know you're the coolest right?"

Monse shrugged herself free and shot Ruby an annoyed look "Oh my God Ruby ! Are you drunk ?" She grabbed his shoulders shook him and shouted "JAMAL YOU BETTER GET HERE FAST"

Jamal bounded over to Ruby and Monse followed closely by Cesar.

"What happened?!" Jamal exclaimed "I left him alone for like an hour— he said he was gonna find you guys. Where were you two ?"

Monse and Cesar exchanged a guilty look and quickly looked away from each other.

"We were just outside" Cesar said vaguely, "actually Monse isn't feeling that great so I was thinking of walking her home"

"What's wrong?" Jamal asked turning to Monse

"Stomach bug.."
"A cold"

Monse and Cesar said simultaneously.

Monse shot Cesar a look and quickly "I think I caught a cold and it's making me feel queasy"

"Oh okay" Jamal said nodding at her "you should head home — you're leaving tomorrow you don't want to be sick on your way to camp"

"Yep" Monse nodded and turned to Cesar "so let's go?"

Cesar's expression was one full of misery as he looked at her like she'd asked him to jump off a mountain.

She shot him a questioning look and then jerked her head towards the exit.

"Camp" Cesar said quietly "yeah Monse has to go to camp" he looked at the ground avoiding her gaze.

Yeah. She was leaving tomorrow. She and Cesar had just told each other how they felt and now, she was leaving. She hadn't even thought about that.

She bit her lip as she looked at Cesar. He looked so sad and broken hearted that she just wanted to hug him and tell him everything will be okay. But she couldn't — not right there now atleast.

"Are you guys going or staying" Jamal asked looking annoyed "cuz if you make me take Ruby home and stick around and party yourselves I'll never speak to you again"

"Easy there buddy" Monse pretended to wipe her forehead "I'm feeling pretty out of it we're definitely calling it an early night"

"Okay" Jamal reached out and supported a giggling Ruby on his shoulders. "I'll take this lightweight dumb dumb home" he squeezed Monse's arm with his free hand "See you in ten weeks?"

Monse smiled and gave him a quick hug "Yeah see you. I won't have my phone but I'll try to call when I get the chance" she ruffled Ruby's hair who was now almost snoring on Jamal's shoulder "tell this one I said bye. I doubt he'll hear me now"

"Yeah I'll tell him. Bye Monse. See you tmrw Cesar" Jamal waved at them both and started dragging an almost unconscious Ruby out the door.

Monse turned to Cesar, who stepped close to her, grabbed her hand and said "Ready when you are" he looked at her so intensely that Monse had to tear her gaze away.

"Let's go" she said and they headed out the door.

As soon as they started walking down the street Cesar started dragging her really fast.

"Cesar" Monse protested "slow down why are you almost running"

Cesar turned to Monse and smirked and said "you don't really want to know what I'm
Thinking right now"

Monse laughed "Oh really and why not?"

Cesar stopped turned to her and raised his eyebrows "Because it's nothing close to what nice boys think about nice girls" he whispered and turned around and started dragging her down the street again.

Monse was speechless. She felt her legs turn to jelly as Cesar continued to drag them both towards her house.

"Cesar don't you think we should talk about this" Monse said to him suddenly feeling really nervous.

"Don't worry" Cesar turned to her and smiled "you'll get the chance to say whatever you want" he stopped pulled her to him and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and said "we have got all night longggg" Monse ducked her head out of his grasp suddenly feeling shy. "Hey" she said playfully "I need to get some sleep before camp, I'm heading out at 9"

"Oh yeah" Cesar mumbled his eyes loosing their sparkle "Camp"

He turned and started walking again but this time much much slower.

"Whats wrong?" Monse asked softly, she had a pretty good idea what was wrong though.

Cesar sighed "I just cant believe I choose to tell you tonight – when you're leaving tomorrow, just feels like so much wasted time" He shook his head and traced little cricles into the palm of her hand, "I wish I had old you earlier – now I only get one night before you're gone"

Monse felt a lump rising in her throat – she couldn't believe it either. "I know what you mean" She said looking at him and squeezing his hand "But hey we were both scared, we didn't know how the other felt and and lets just say we both screwed up royally" Monse grinned.

Ceasar laughed out loud "That's for sure" he looked at her sideways and smiled "But im glad we finally did" he tilted his head "what are you thinking right now?"

Monse laughed and pointed behind him "That we've reached my place" 

Cesar stopped and looked behind him, they were standing infront of her house "Well here we are" he stepped closer, reached out pulled Monse closer to him till they were both touching, he leaned forward till his forehead was against hers and whispered "Any regrets to this night yet?"

Monse shivered closed her eyes and shook her head "None at all"

Cesar kissed his way from her forehead to her ear and said "Well lets go inside" he smiled devilishly "I want to do somethings to you that you'll definitely regret letting me do later"

Monse heart dropped, one thing was for sure right now, she intended on letting him do whatever he wanted.


We are almost reaching the end of the night ☹ are you guys sad ? Cuz I sure am. Anyway

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