Chapter 6

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Monse stood in Jamal's bathroom yanking a brush through her crazy wet curls her, babbling nervously to herself.

"He just said he wanted to talk — just talk. It could be about anything Monse. Stop over thinking. He doesn't know how you feel — he's not a mind reader — he doesn't know — oh God — he's not a not a mind reader — he's not —  but he's known me FOREVER ! Ofcourse he knows!!!"

Arghhhh this was driving her crazy. She needed to talk to Cesar right now.  She smoothed out her blue tshirt , ran a hand a hand through her untamed hair and walked outside where the boys were hanging out in Jamal's living room. "Ready to go guys ?" She asked her eyes on Cesar , who was standing near the door with a soda in his hand — he was staring at her and quickly looked away when their eyes met.

"Yes finally " Ruby said getting up "let's go can't believe you're making the ladies miss all this " he gestured down at himself "tonight it's no longer middle school Ruby. It's the new and improved high school Ruben"

Jamal rolled his eyes "This isn't like the high school party we crashed two nights ago .. this is all the girls that already know you — so yeah I think you better stick to Ruby"

Ruby rolled his eyes "Whatever man. It's all about the attitude trust me they'll sense it. They'll be able to smell it on me "

Monse, Cesar and Jamal burst out laughing.

Monse patted Ruby's shoulder "let's go lover boy. Whatever it is. I sure as hell don't want to smell it"

They all laughed and headed out the door. As Jamal and Ruby started walking down the street, Cesar grabbed Monses hand and pulled her back a little "Hey can we talk ?"

Monse looked straight ahead not meeting his eyes "Sureee what about ?"

"Um a few things — like what happened at the pool just now — the fact that you like someone and Monse  " Cesar stopped walking "—- for the love of God I hope you were kidding about Gino " Cesar blurted out the last part looking up at the sky.

Monse giggled and felt herself relaxing , only Cesar could do that.  "Relax Cesar I'm not into Gino" she shook her head "I was just messing with you".

Cesar raised his eye brows  and smiled.  Slowly.

"Well that's good to know —- and SOMEONE just ignored the other two things I just said".

Monse quickly looked away from him again. " I'm not dodging the question about who I like - I'll tell you " she stopped for a second "when I come back from camp" she said decidedly.

"Camp ?!" Cesar exclaimed "what !? Why not now ? And you're still ignoring what just happened at the pool"

Monse twirled a strand of her hair around her finger "WHAT EXACTLY happened at the pool ? We were messing around and you almost drowned me. It was pretty much the usual " she shrugged

Cesar sighed "Stop playing dumb you and me are both know each other well enough to know what happened at the pool wasn't "usual"" and what you said about not being okay ..." Cesar trailed off looking at her expectantly.

Monse stopped, Ruby and Jamal had reached the party and were now gesturing at Monse and Cesar to hurry up so they could join.

Monse turned to Cesar ., "You want me to acknowledge that something happened at the pool ? Something unusual ?! Something that's never happened before?" Monse took a deep breathe, as Cesar just quietly looked at her.

Monse sighed " I'll do that. But before I do" Monse paused " I want to give you a last out"

Cesar raised his eyebrows "what do you mean ?"

Monse looked Cesar straight in the eyes "once we have this conversation — everything changes — nothing will be the way it is — once we have this conversation, there is absolutely no coming back" Monse pointed to herself and then Cesar.

Cesar grabbed her hand and kept it on his chest, Monse glanced back quickly, Ruby and Jamal weren't looking ThankGod.

Monse bit her lip "what are you doing !? I'm telling you there's no coming back to this!" She gestured frantically between them whispering loudly super panicked.

Cesar just looked at her  then said really really quietly "Maybe I don't want to come back to "this" anymore. Maybe I want more"

And just like that, Monse's entire world changed.

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