Chapter 4

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"Cesar!! Can you please keep up?!" Monse yelled exasperated. They were walking to Jamal's house and Cesar was  walking as slow as a snail because he wouldn't get his eyes off his phone.

"You know if you wanted to be on your phone all the time you could've stayed home till the party" Monse said exasperatedly. Cesar looked and shook his phone for her "I'm checking out what the weather is going to be like for you at camp" he shook his head "you should be thanking me!"

"Okay great wise one !! enlighten me!!" Monse pretended to bow in front of him "what's the weather going to be like in SUMMER writing camp?"

"I sense the sarcasm Monse" Cesar retorted "And you'll be thanking me for this later – its going to be raining straight through the next two weeks there! And after that it's chilly – barely 40 degrees"

"Thanks Weather man but I've got it covered" Monse said "All I've kept are sweaters and hoodies, did you think I was packing halter tops for camp?"

"Wait a second" Cesar held up his hands "you have a halter-top? why have I never seen you in it?"

Monse burst out laughing "You are crazy! What am I going to do at camp without this kind of entertainment?"

Cesar smiled "You will suffer buddy and miss me like hell ... the days will feel like months and you will want to leave everything and come running back to Freeridge but don't worry you'll get through it"

Monse raised her eyebrows "And I thought I was the writer!"

Cesar shrugged "I've picked up a few things from you over the years – you're an inspiration you know"

Monse looked over to him to see if he was pulling her leg again but he looked super serious and that sent her over the moon "Really?"

"Of course, Monse!! You're my muse!" Cesar grinned "Monse the Muse! That has a nice ring to it"

Monse laughed, "And the Jokers backkkkk – you're getting real creative today maybe you should come visit me at camp – check out a few classes."

Cesar scratched his chin thoughtfully "I just might do that ... how will you survive 6 weeks without my guidance and wisdom is unfathomable."

Monse bit her lip, okay so this could be a good opening., "Hmm speaking of that can I get your advice on something?" she blurted out

Cesar looked curiously at her "Sure, what's up?"

Monse's heart started thumping fast, here it goes "ummmmm"

Cesar looked at her expectantly "Yessss ?"

" Ithinkilikesomoene" Monse mumbled.

"What?" Cesar said bowing his head down nearer to hers "You gotta speak up Monse"

" I LIKE SOMEONE" Monse blurted out "Really really like, its bad – like I'm really crushing on someone bad --- like so bad I think it might be bordering on Love!"

Oh God. The minute the words were out of Monses mouth she regretted them immediately. Why did she have to say soo muchhhh! And LOVE !! where the hell had that come from!! Oh God how could she even tell him she was talking about him now? He was going to think she was a clingy obsessed loser!!

Monse took a deep breath and peeked at Cesar, he was standing there in the middle of the road his mouth hanging open.

Monse nudged him on the shoulder "Say Something!"

Cesar cleared his throat "Ahmmm well.. err .. that's a lot of info to throw at a guy at once" he scratched his head "do I know who he is?"

Monse saw a hint of a smile of his face and freaked out, Oh God he was gonna figure out it was him!

"Who said it was a he?" she said raising her eyebrows at him.

The expressions that crossed Cesar's face would be comical, only if her heart wasn't beating a mile a minute right now.

He went from looking excited to looking horrified in a matter of a few seconds "OH MAN MONSE ARE YOU SERIOUS? ARE YOU GAY?"

Monse started laughing hysterically "And what if I was?" she asked, "would that be so bad?" She needed to distract him, she would say anything to distract him from the thinking that it might be him she was talking about.

Cesar grabbed her arm and turned her towards him "This isn't funny – you know I'd support you no matter what! But you gotta tell me if you mean it or not?" He looked at her intently and narrowed his eyes "You're messing with me aren't you?"

Monse shrugged her arm free and laughed "I'm not gay Cesar"

Cesar took a deep breath and they started walking again, "So again do I know he is?"

Monse smiled devilishly, "Still didn't say it was a guy – I could be bisexual"

Cesar looked at her sideways "Don't say that unless you mean it – you can't say that to a guy and not get him all excited – its like our fantasy to have a bisexual best friend – now I'm hoping it's a girl !!" His eyes twinkled "if I get her to hook up with you – can we be a three-way couple? Or I'm down with being a boy toy for both of you" he sighed dramatically and put his arm across his heart "I'll make that sacrifice"

Monse started shaking with laughter and soon she and Cesar were sitting on the road with tears streaming down their faces from laughing too hard.

Monse stood up and offered a hand to Cesar "As much as I am glad for the offer – I'll pass" she ran upto to Jamal's backyard fence hoisted herself up and jumped on the other side, then she looked back at Cesar and said, "I was kidding it's definitely a boy."

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