Chapter 8

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"Monse am I right?" Cesar repeated, questions written all over his face and, since Monse knew him so well she knew exactly what he was thinking, did she have feelings for him too? Did he do the right thing by telling her all this? was she freaking out? Should he talk some more? Should he shut up?

Yep she could read him like a book and she wondered if he could figure out her answer from her face too—because she was sure it was written all over her face too.

"Monse" Cesar prompted looking nervous as hell "Now would be a great time to say something"

He stopped touching her knee and clasped his hands together searching her face intently.

"I..." Monse began and looked down at the ground, wow she was sure this was the first time in her life she was this speechless "you're right" she finally said so quietly Cesar barely heard her.

She lifted her head "Cesar you're righ- "she had barely gotten the words out before Cesar jumped forward — cupped her face in his hands and kissed her so hard she fell back into the grass.

Her head was spinning, nope the world was spinning, Cesar was kissing her so hungrily that she felt as if she was on fire, he was kissing her like she was water and he'd been dying from thirst for days now.

His lips were soft yet so urgent like this was the first and last time he'd get to kiss her. At first Monse was so taken aback that she forgot to kiss him back, but a few seconds into the kiss fireworks went off inside her head

oh my God!!

Cesar was kissing her – and it felt better than anything she had ever imagined.

Monse tilted her head allowing him better access to her mouth, Cesar pressed into her laying on top of her on the grass as he crushed his lips to her more, Monse was pretty sure she was going to have bruising later.

Oh God Oh God Oh God! Monse chanted inside her head – this felt so good. She felt a burning heat initiate from the core of body and spread everywhere, right up to the tips of her fingers and toes. She NEVER wanted him to stop and it didn't look like Cesar was planning on stopping anyway.

Cesar slipped one of his hands behind her neck and cradled her neck and sucked on her bottom lip. Monse shivered at the sensation and opened her mouth to let his tongue in. "Oh God" Cesar moaned and slid one of his hands up her shirt and caressed her back.

Monse had never experienced something that felt this good in her life, but if she wanted stay conscious and not pass out from lack of oxygen she needed to stop Cesar, because it didn't seem like breathing seemed to matter to him right now.

Mose put a hand on Cesars chest and gently pushed, Cesar's eyes flew open and he moved back just a tiny bit, so little, that his lips brushed across hers when he spoke "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you want me to stop?"

Monse smiled and shook her head "yes .. yes and definitely no" she answered his questions in order. Cesar grinned. "But I kinda needed to breathe plus" she squirmed underneath him "You're kinda heavy" Cesar eyes darkened with an expression Monse couldn't quite place, he touched his forehead to hers and said "If you want me to get off you, you can't move like that"

Monse felt her face get very very warm. She couldn't believe this was happening — she wanted to yell with excitement she was so happy.

Not only did Cesar like her the way she liked him, it pretty much seemed like he wanted to eat her up right now.

Cesar lifted himself up and supported his weight with his arms, he leaned over and whispered in her ear "Is this better ?"

Instead of replying back Monse lifted her head and captured his lips with hers again.

Their next kiss was slow — torturously slow — passionate — and really really hot. Cesar broke off the kiss and feathered tiny little kisses from her lips to her ear " I can't believe I'm kissing you" he laughed "I think it's safe to say the guy you like isn't Gino?"

Monse grinned and put her arms around Cesar's neck "Good deduction Sherlock" she teased.

Not only did this feel frickin amazing. She couldn't believe how non-awkward it was , it felt as if they were meant to talk, feel and touch this way.

Monse kissed him again and rolled so now she was on top. "You realise that we are in plain view of whoever come out through the backyard?"

Cesar rolled her again so she was under him — he leaned down and said softly "Does it look like I care?" He kissed her cheek her neck and collarbone.

Monse closed her eyes — this felt like drowning but in a really really good way. When you're drowning you know all you need is air and you'll be alright. Well right now Monse felt that all she needed was Cesar touching her to stay alive. No air no food no water. As long as he was touching she'd be alright.

"Wohoooooo" someone yelled from across the park and then wolf whistled, Cesar quickly scrambled off Monse got up pulled her to her feet and stood infront of her shielding her from whoever it was.

"Alright Cesar my man" Monse peeked from over Cesar's shoulder and saw it was Anthony one of the guys from the football team.

Cesar laughed awkwardly, said "See you around Tony" grabbed Monse's hand and led her out of sight behind a large tree.

He smiled at her and said "Well Tony sure killed the moment". Monse looked at him worriedly, "umm what if he goes back and tells someone ?"

Cesar raised his eyebrows "and?"

"And?!" We can't have people know yet. I don't even know what this is yet !!" Monse said frantically "and Jamal and Ruby !! They can't find out this way!!"

Cesar sighed "Yeah you're right we should talk" he entertwined his fingers with hers and said "let's ditch this joint and go back to your place?" He rubbed her hand between his fingers making it hard for her to think.

"Maybe we should stay at the party" Monse whispered looking up at him "what of someone gets suspicious?"

"Suspicious about what?" Cesar edged closer to Monse and slipped his hand under her tshirt and started making circles on her stomach.

Monse closed her eyes Oh god she couldn't think. She needed to think !! "Cesar can you keep you hands to yourself for a minute please" she scolded him "I NEED TO THINK"

Cesar lifted his hands and said "Okay fine fine" he took out his phone from his pocket, looked at it and said "you've got 5 minutes to think" he looked at her straight in the eyes with a dark gleam in his eyes "then I'm not keeping my hands off anything"


And it's a wrap for this chapter !!! I'd really appreciate if you guys vote and follow me along with the reads !! Feedback gives me wings !!! Thankyou for reading and just so you know their night is far far farrrr from over. 💃🏻

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