Chapter 14

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Hey Cesar,

It's been a week I've been here. It's nice so far. We have writing classes for three hours, then we have the circle where all the kids read their work to one another , then we have discussion groups in the evening. Oh and before writing classes we have this tiny 30 minute session called morning motivation where we are given a topic and told to freely write on if.
So today at "Morning motivation" they asked us to write about our first crushes, as I wrote down the story I realized I had never told it to you! So here goes -- When I was 5, I had this huge crush on this dude. I don't write his full name for personal reasons (you might get pissed off: P), but let's call him Megan Fox (so you have fun thinking about it). Anyway, he didn't even know I existed on the first few months of kindergarten. One day I brought a lot of snacks to kindergarten and I handed them to everyone. Megan began to talk to me and we got to know each other. I found out his favourite snacks and often bought it for him. He started to like me and got angry every time I tell him about my mysterious 'crush'. "You can't love anyone but me!" he told me one day. That's right everyone. Feed your crush their favourite food and they'll love you. Well, at least that worked out for me. Back to the story: Megan and I grew pretty close, but another girl lets call her Tom Cruise, bought him cookies one day, so Megan came up to one day an told me he didn't love me anymore because my snacks weren't as good as Tom's cookies ! huh what an ass so anyhow that day before recess we stopped speaking to each other and my crush ended.

So anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad I have someone better to crush on now, I'm pretty sure you won't go running after some whore like Tom Cruise,  for better cookies.

Miss you,


p.s: you were right its freezing here – no chance of any of the dorky boys seeing me in my over sized loose totally non-appealing swimsuit --- sucks!


"What are you laughing at like an idiot looking at that piece of paper?" Cesar's head snapped up as he saw Ruby standing over him trying to read what was in his hand.

"Nothing" Cesar said quickly and folded the letter in half and stuffed it in his pocket. "what's up Ruby?"

"What were you reading?" Ruby asked ignoring his question and plopping down next to him on the couch.

"Umm nothing" Cesar shook his head hoping Ruby would let it go "Just a letter from my brother"

Ruby's mouth fell open, "Are you serious? Spooky writes to you? FROM JAIL?"

As soon as he heard Ruby's words Cesar realized that saying the letter was from Spooky probably hadn't been the best idea.

"Um yeah sometimes" Cesar scratched his head "You know to check up on me and stuff"

"cool" Ruby said, "So when is he getting out?"

"I'm not sure" Cesar said finally happy to be telling the truth "I think another year or two" he shrugged "He really doesn't give me any information"

"You're so lucky man" Ruby said mournfully, thankfully distracted "You don't have any family up your ass all the time"

Cesar raised his eyebrows "Seriously man? you call that lucky?"

"Yep" Ruby nodded "you won't believe what happened today "the twins got their hands on some super glue and they decided to do a science project on one of their big brothers" Ruby closed his eyes as if recounting the experience was causing him to be in physical pain. "So anyway, they walk into our room and of course I'm lucky enough to still be asleep there, as Mario's in the shower" Ruby shook his head "so they decide to super glue shut the first body crevice of mine they find" Ruby paused and looked at Cesar "I was sleeping on my stomach"

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