Chapter 15

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"Hello" Monse voice was breathless, familiar, reassuring and everything that Cesar remembered.

"Hey there" Cesar said instantly feeling calm now that he was speaking to her, he really needed that now "How are you?"

"Cesar!" she said happily, "I knew it was you" she laughed "when the camp coordinator told me my "Cousin" was calling about family emergency I knew it was you trying to get ahold of me"

Ceasr forced out a laugh "Yep. you got me" he sighed "Three weeks without hearing your voice is a long time" he closed his eyes and bit his lip so he wouldn't wince his pain, he looked down at the bruises on his abdomen and ran his finger over them, his bruised skin looked a little pink or red. The area around the bruise was swollen and tender to his touch.

"I'm so glad you called" Monse said excitedly, "I have so much to tell you .. there's this girl here called Tony, well her name in Antonietta but she goes by Tony – so she ---"

Cesar closed his eyes swallowed, as much as he wanted to listen to her stories, right now his brain couldn't comprehend her, the pain of his injuries and the feelings of dread and disappointment were too much.

The only reason he had called her was because her voice was the only thing that could make him feel sane right now. He closed his eyes and let her voice wash over him like some sort of invisible soothing painkiller

"—Cesar .. hello .. are you there?" Monse's suddenly said.

"Yeah Yeah" Cesar said clearing his throat " I'm here I'm listening—Tony sounds like a riot"

Monse was quiet on the other end "What's wrong?" she asked him quietly

"Wrong?" Cesar said "Nothing's wrong, what makes you think anything's wrong"

"I don't know." Monse trailed off uncertainly "You sound off"

"Nah" Cesar tried to sound convincing "I'm just tired –- I just wanted to see if this fake cousin thing would actually work and I could get you on the phone"

Monse laughed, temporarily distracted "yeah it did – but I don't think it'll work again"

"That's okay" Cesar said "Im fine with just one" he took a deep breath.

"Hey you sure you okay?" Monse asked again sounding concerned.

"Definitely" Cesar said "Tell me more about camp"

"Okay then" Cesar could tell she wasn't convinced but was willing to let it go for now "Well today in the circle I shared a free verse poem with everyone – a super short one – one that you inspired" Monse said.

"Really?" Cesar asked "Can I hear it?"

"You really want to?" Monse asked him sounding a little uncertain

"of course, dummy, why wouldn't I?" Cesar said "C'mon let me hear it"

"okay here goes" Monse cleared her throat


Time is all but standing still

Heartache is all but parting with me

Eyes are all but dry

But still .... Waiting"

Cesar felt a lump rising in his throat, that was so amazing, she was so amazing. As much as he wanted to be with her right now. He was even more glad she was far away from this.

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