Chapter 3

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Monse came out of the bathroom hunting for her lipbalm thinking, if she really wanted Cesar to notice her as a girl, she so needed to buy a lipstick.

"Hey Cesar can we go to the mall --" she stopped short as she sae Cesar staring at his phone frowning "all okay?"

"You really think Gino is cute?" Cesar turned his phone to Monse, which had a picture of Gino in school at Gym with both his fingers up his nose.

Monse wrinkled her nose "Cesar thats gross". Cesar shrugged "you're the one who said he was cute."

"Well not in THAT picture he isn't " Monse laughed and grabbed his arm "c'mon lets go to the mall i want some stuff for camp"

Cesar shook his head "Nah i don't feel like it right now .. why don't you tell me what you want and ill get it and drop it off in the morning for you?"

Monse rolled her eyes "Im perfectly capable of doing my own shopping and why not right now ? we've got 3 hours to kill."

"Two and a half actually" Cesar corrected "and I was thinking to head over to Jamal's to swim for a bit "

"Dude his pool is so tiny" Monse said "we can never swim in it all we do is bump into each other all the time! Why would you want to go there ?"

"Umm i think it's f-fun" Cesar stammered.

Monse gave him a sharp look. He never stammered. What was that about ?

"Okay why don't you text Jamal and then we will head over okay ?" Monse said
"Great" Cesar got up "why don't you just grab your swim suit and we will head out "

Okay Monse shrugged and opened her closet to find her swimming stuff.

Okay so now they were going over to Jamal's. She couldn't very well tell Cesar about her feelings with the boys there could she ? Sigh. Cesar had ruined all her plans and made her super nervous by showing up.  But — she also loved the fact that he had shown up and said he missed her.  She probably was going to have to find a time to talk to him at the party tonight and —-

"Monse !!! You've been standing there holding that swim suit for atleast 3 minutes " Cesar interrupted her thoughts.  "What's up?"

"Nothing" Monse said quickly "I was just thinking if I should take it to camp"

"Camp?" Cesar asked "why would you need swimmers at writing camp ?"

Monse shrugged "there's a lake — there might be opportunities to swim"

"Yeahhhhh" Cesar dragged out with a frown on his face " I don't think going swimming with a bunch of strangers is a good idea"

Monse raised her eye brows "Yeah ? Why ? Where did that come from?"

"Well you don't what the boys will be like there" Cesar said quickly "they might try to you know — stuff "

Monse burst out laughing "Cesar the only boys that are going to be there are a bunch of nerds like me who want to write — I doubt they'll be leering at girls there "

Cesar frowned "Okay first of all you're not a nerd — you're amazing and talented"  Monse's heart took a nose dive " plus that's the point they won't be surrounded by any other boys that they usually are at school and they might think they have a chance and they might —"

"You know what ?" Monse interrupted him "you are way over thinking this" she grabbed a bag stuffed her swim wear inside " if I didn't know any better I'd almost think you were jealous"

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