Chapter 7

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Monse ducked her head down as she spotted Cesar craning his head above the crowd looking for her. Damn it.

She grabbed a soda from a table nearby shaking her head as someone offered her an ice cold beer — she definitely wasn't in a party mood right now.

She snuck out the back yard and looked for a quiet space, she found one in between a car and a tree. She plopped down in the middle, opened her soda and replayed what had just happened in her head again.

Cesar has told her he wanted to be more than friends — right ? That's what he had said right ? That's what I don't want to come back to this meant !!! Right right ? She could've been sure right now if she had just ASKED him! But like a total loser, she had bolted. God why was she so scared ! What was she so scared about !?

She didn't know. Arghhhhhhhh. What was wrong with her. She was at a party full of her friends, and the guy she crazy about. The guy potential liked her back and she was sitting outside behind a 20 year old Toyota, staring at the number plate and thinking of a solution for a problem that wasn't really a problem ?

She sighed and rested her head against the tree behind her. She should go back inside. She should find Cesar. She should tell him how she felt. For better or for worse. There had been enough stalling tonight. 

She got up and brushed her jeans and turned to head Back inside and stopped. Cesar was standing right behind her, a soda in his hand, staring at her "You done hiding?"

Monse shook her head embarrassed "I wasn't hiding !"

Cesar raised his eyebrows "Ahhhh so you were sitting here just ?" He gestured towards the party "at a party with all your friends you decided that sitting here would be more fun ?!"

Monse shrugged "I just needed a little air "

Cesar rolled his eyes "Monse we got here twenty minutes ago" he stepped towards her "what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong" Monse said taking a step back from him "where are Ruby and Jamal ?"

"They're inside — Jasmine found them" Cesar shuddered "I got out of there fast" he held up his hands "I know they're my best friends but sorry I'm not going down with them, I've got a lot to live for"

Monse burst out laughing "that's so cruel Cesar" she started walking towards the house "let's go save them"

As Monse walked past him, he grabbed her arm "Wait" he dragged her back and made her look at him straight in his eyes " you've been avoiding this all night  now — just talk to me now okay and please don't say I don't know what you're talking about"

Monse looked at the ground and mumbled "I don't know how to start" she shrugged "or what to say"

Cesar took a deep breathe "Then how about I talk and you listen and then tell me if I'm right, okay?"

Monse looked at him curiously and nodded her head yes "I can do that"

Cesar grabbed her arm and dragged her to the park across the road, he sat down under a tree and pulled her down too, so they were both sitting cross legged infront of one another.

"Okay" Cesar said rubbing his hands together "here goes.... you're my best friend Monse — you've been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I'm pretty sure that means my whole life so far — you're amazing you make me laugh I'm not bored for a minute when your around — you get me and my stupid dreams and I really don't want to ruin that"

Monse's heart was beating a mile a minute — thoughts rushing through her head — what was he saying ? He knew about her crush and didn't feel the same way ? Oh man this was going so badly !! She felt her heart squeeze painfully.

"But" Cesar reached out and placed a hand on her knee "I don't want to be just your best friend anymore" Monse looked at him stunned.

"It started a few months ago" Cesar wasn't looking at her now but at her knee where he was tracing patterns with his finger "you'd brush against me and I'd get goosebumps— you'd smile at something and all my attention would go to your lips and I wouldn't be able to concentrate on what you were saying, all I would think about was how I wanted to kiss you so bad" Cesar stopped and took a peek at her, Monse was staring at him open mouthed "I know it's a lot and I know we're like family and I don't want to ruin that so I tried to ignore it, I thought maybe it was just hormones and I was just physically attracted to you cuz face it you've gotten pretty hot the past year" he smiled shyly at her "but then I went to that pool party with you guys last week and I when I got home I realised I hadn't looked at a single girl there and thought that she looked hot" he shook his head as if he was amused with himself "all I did was look at you and think about how badly I wanted to touch you" he closed his eyes and whispered the last part "so bad"

Monse was spinning, he was saying every single thing she felt — everything !! Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. She was freaking out.

"That's when I decided I had to tell you how o felt" Cesar continued "I couldn't let you go to camp not knowing whether you felt the same way or not, and lately" he paused "lately I've been feeling like you feel the same way, am I right?"


Hi guys !! How did you like Cesar's confession ? How would you like Monse to respond — I've got her response already written out but I'd like hear what you guys have to say — Thankyou for reading. Please keep commenting to motivate me to update faster. ❤️

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