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Today's the day we leave to go back to Indiana. I'm really ready to make things happen between me and Leah.

I went out early this morning to get a promise ring. I know, we just officially started dating, but I've waited since grade 5th and well, I'm sick and tired of waiting. I want this girl to be mine more than Anything else in this world.

The ring had mine and her name on in. It was sliver with a pink heart on it. It coast $450. Hell yeah, Leah's worth more than that, but she likes stuff simple.

I put it in a little pink box and put it in my bag, we have a long plane ride and I don't want her finding it on the plane, wouldn't that be crazy.

Me and Leah Made are way threw the airport to get on the plane.

We got on the plane sitting by each other.

She had a crazy smile on her face, making her look sneaky and adorable.

I got by the window then it was Leah, a boy came to sit down by Leah, making me get protective of her.

I can tell the boy was looking at Leah, so I took her hand and kissed her, she kissed back.

He got up realizing that Leah was mine.

That's good, pretty boy needed to walk away anyways.

Have you ever been so in love that you would do anything for them? Like, there life meant more than yours? There happiness meant more than yours?

That's how I always felt with Leah.

She's the one person that can make me laugh and cry, possibly at the same time.

Leah went to sleep on my shoulder, giving me perfect timing to plan how I'm gonna give her the promise ring.

I want it to be sweet, like, something in the movies, maybe I'll take her to the movies.

Then it hit me, I know exactly what I'm gonna do, it's gonna be the best ever.

Leah sleeps so hard. Were getting ready to land in 15 minutes.

I'm so ready to be back home.

Wait, will I ever see the boys again? Well I might some, but will I ever see us again, as in family?

Me and Dillon started writing a song. Buckwild.

It's coming out really soon, I'm really excited.

"Leah, wake up, were here!" I said tugging on Leah's arm.


I woke up to Taylor tugging my arm.

I quickly got up and kissed him.

We the got are stuff and headed off the plan, are parents were waiting for us.

They were shocked when they saw me and Taylor holding hands, Yes, my parents know nothing about mine and Taylor relationship.

My mom and Taylor dad came, Taylor's dad drove his corvette here and my mom is gonna take Taylor's dad back home.

They hugged us and me and Taylor got in his corvette, were not really a big fan of are parents, many reasons for that.

Jack keeps texting me, telling me how much he missed me. He doesn't know that me and Taylor are dating.

I know this sounds crazy, but I somewhat miss jack.

My modeling manager called me and I have to do a shoot in Indiana tomorrow with a vine boy, who wouldn't tell me who it was.

Me and Taylor Finally arrived back at my place.


Finally I get to see Leah again, I'm doing a photo shoot with her. Her manager called me early, saying I would be the perfect fit for this photo shoot.

I know I'll piss Taylor off by doing this, but hey, I had Leah first, and I'm gonna get her back.

I'm flying out to Indiana tonight, bringing Sam and jack J.

I'm so ready to see Leah.


We arrived at Leah's house and I got out and opened her car door for her, and I carried her bags in.

We got up to her room and unpacked her stuff, I'll do mine later.

"I have a photo shoot tomorrow, they said it's with a famous viner, she wouldn't tell me who though" Leah spoke.

"I hope he's not good looking" I said.

Leah walked over to me.

"Don't matter, your the only person I want, and your the only person I need" she said Before kissing my lips.

We quickly settled in her room and started tickling each other.

""STOP" Leah screamed before pushing me off the bed. Yes she pushed me off the bed.

I came up with a bra on my head.

What the hell?

"Leah, you need to do laundry" I said with a chuckle.

I was getting ready to take her bra off my head and her dad walked in.

So basically Leah was on the bed with her legs parted because I was between them tickling her stomach, I was on the floor with a bra on my head.

"I don't like what I see here" Leah dad spoke.

"It's not what it seems, your daughter knocked me off the bed, you know she's really strong" I said to him then smiling a little.

"I know, daddy raised her girl right and I know she wouldn't do nothing right?" He asked turning towards Leah.

"Right daddy" she said

And he leaves the room.

We both started laughing.

"That wasn't awkward at all, was it?" I asked Leah, she didn't respond.

She just laughed and handed me her hand.

I grabbed it and pulled her down with me, she landed on top of me.

"You smell like heaven Taylor" she said before sniffing my shirt.

I just embraced her in a hug.

"come with me to my photo shoot tomorrow?" She asked.

"of course babe" I said

Neither of us moved.

We stayed there loving each other's company.

"This floor is sorta hard" Leah said and I flipped us over so I was on top. I left myself up and helped Leah up.

"Thanks Taylor" Leah said after I helped her up.

We decided to watch a movie.

I leaned against her bed frame, I took my shirt off because I sleep shirtless.

Leah came and Sat between my legs, she leaned her back onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

We stayed this way for most of the night.

Crazy, stupid, love. (taylor caniff )Where stories live. Discover now