Plane ride.

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"Don't get anything in your head caniff, I'm forced to be by you, I didn't pick to." She said flat out.

"Yeah, I know, at least act like you like me." I said looking at her.

"Like you? Now I'm forced to like you?please, I'm not gonna like someone who kissed there ex in front of me and have sex with girls when my house is right beside yours, and or bring another girl home the night before we leave, do me a favor, save it." She spoke, this is what I love about Leah, she's straight up.

"You don't even know the whole Story" I said.

"Story? There's no story to kissing your ex" she paused. "On the wedding day, something that was supposed to be the best day of my life, turned into living hell" she said looking away.

"Let me explain" I said.

"Don't, you don't even understand what I was going threw, I looked up to see the love of my life kiss his ex in front of me, I looked down at my wedding band and regretted ever meeting you, That's the thing about you, I can't stop thinking about you, i try and try and it's never good enough, I think to when we were bestfriends and nothing but bestfriends, I remember everything good, but that bad memory of you kissing Ashly wipes away all the good. I truly loved you Taylor..." She said with tears in her eyes.

I didn't even wanna say anything.

"Listen, all I'm saying is sorry, somewhere deep down inside your still the same Leah, and you'll always be my bestfriend." I said, I kinda miss having Leah as my friend.

"Yeah" she said.

"So tell me, what's been going on these last 2 weeks" I said.

"We'll, me and jack did a photo-shoot, I got my belly button pierced, I got asked to model in California, but I don't wanna leave jack, and I've been basically with jack a lot." She said, looking at me.

"I've been trying to forget about you, it's hard because your somebody I just can't forget." I said.

"Yeah, your telling me this." She said, I looked into her eyes, they we're full of sadness and regret, I wanted to do nothing more but kiss her, but she's not mine anymore, I'm not hers.


It's taking a lot of courage to not forgive Taylor right now, he's so damn cute and sexy and I miss him more than anything, I know nothing will be the same, as bad as I wish, I know it won't. He means the world to me, he's gonna have a special place in my heart forever.

"Leah, I miss you." Taylor said.

"I miss you to tay" I said, I truly did. I miss my bestfriend more than anything in this world.

It's crazy and stupid on how things can change in the matter of 2 weeks.

Love goes from good to bad.

Taylor leaned closer to me.

"So, why is it so hard to forget about me?" He asked.

I just wanted to let these words out of my mouth, because there true.

"Because, I'm still madly in love with you." I said looking into his eyes.

Taylor slowly leaned in, pecking my lips.

It doesn't matter what this boy does, I will always love Taylor. I can't help the way my heart feels, I can't help the way he makes me feel. Taylor was my only light to my dark world. He was my bestfriend. I'm so ready for this magcon.

Just a couple months ago I was just at home doing nothing, now I'm living my dreams. I planned on living my dreams with Taylor... And I'm going to make that dream happen.

Each step of the way.

Crazy, stupid, love. (taylor caniff )Where stories live. Discover now