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It's been a couple months since everything went down. Jack is dating Leslie, Leslie wasn't as bad as I thought, she wasn't really pregnant, she just had a bad infection as when she peed on the stick it showed positive, Taylor was so happy and so was Leslie. Leslie never wanted Taylor, she just wanted to make me jealous but were good friends now.

As for my and Taylor were back together happy as can be. I'm currently 5 months pregnant with a baby boy. Taylor was More than happy to be having a baby by me. Just to think how everything change over the course of a year is so unreal.

As I lay down from a long day of doing nothing, Taylor walked through the door.

He comes over and kissed my cheek and sits beside me, he placed his hand on my belly and rubs it.

"I'm so excited to see you little boy" he said before kissing my stomach.

I'm just as excited as Taylor to be having a baby. Me and Taylor moved out of are parents house and into Taylor's house in Tennessee.

"I love you so much" I said kissing Taylor head.

"Not as much as I love you."

Nothing has ever made sense since I found Taylor, falling in love with him, getting married, divorcing him, going back to him, nothing, but where I stand Today is where I stand with Taylor, in our house, carrying are baby and married, some people say love is a magical thing, I've fell in love with not only my bestfriend but my husband, time play tricks on us, I look over at my husband starting at me, knowing I have him is the best feeling ever, you see Taylor caniff was meant to be much more then my bestfriend, call it crazy, call it stupid, but it's love, I experienced crazy, stupid, love.

Crazy, stupid, love. (taylor caniff )Where stories live. Discover now