Chapter 1: New Life & Light

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***This story is the sequel to 'Gilmore Girls:Precious Ties'. If you haven't read it yet, you will need to before you read 'Precious Ties:The Gift'. Enjoy!

Light poured through the plantation shutters of Rory's room in the maternity ward of Kareena Private Hospital.  A new day had never seemed so special or been more welcome than this one.  As Rory sat quietly holding her daughter, her mind replayed the events of the past 24 hours. She couldn't help but think it was a miracle that her baby had been born safely in the hospital and now lay in her arms - a tiny pink bundle of joy! She just wanted to remember this special moment forever. Uncertainty and fear throughout the long hours of night had been replaced by confidence and peace in the light of this precious new life. Rory smiled as she considered the years ahead with her daughter and an undeniable feeling of hope arose in her heart.

"It will be so wonderful to go shopping with you and sit on the couch watching movies and eating junk food!" Rory spoke in a gentle tone. "I hope you will love books little'll probably be reading them on an iPad but you're sure to enjoy 'The Year of Magical Thinking' or 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'. Maybe 'The Story of My Life' will be more your thing or 'Little Women'. Granted it will be a while before you're reading any of those, but I just can't wait to sit and drink coffee with you and talk about girl stuff!"

"Did someone say coffee?" A familiar voice at the door asked.

"Mom! I can't believe you're finally here! Come and meet your granddaughter!"Rory said excitedly.

"She's beautiful....oh my.....I don't think I have ever seen such a gorgeous baby!" Lorelai gushed as Rory handed her precious daughter to her mom.

Lorelai had landed in Sydney, early Saturday morning, July 1st, just hours after the birth of her granddaughter.  She had received the good news just as she turned her phone on at the airport and had been elated to hear that mother and daughter were doing well but of course regretted not having been there to witness the event first hand. None of that mattered now as she stood there, looking at the tiny baby in her arms.

"Meet Ella Victoria Grace Huntzberger! 7lb 7oz, 20 inches long born at 12:27am....." Rory said proudly.

"Ella because of the light she has brought to both of our lives..." Logan explained as he returned to the room with drinks for everyone. "Not so long ago we were both in a place where we thought light would never shine again..."

"And of course I've loved that name ever since I read 'Ella Minnow Pea' - her character was so strong, intelligent and determined - the very definition of a Gilmore Girl!" Rory explained.

"Yeah I do remember you going on and on about that name....I should have known you would be influenced by your book characters!" Lorelai laughed. "As long as you don't name your future son Huckleberry Finn!"

"And of course Victoria is after you Mom ........and Shira...yes, you share a middle name! Bet you didn't imagine you two would have so much in common! We were so pleased to be able to honour both Grandmothers!" Rory laughed.

"We chose Grace because she is an amazing, undeserved gift from God...we actually decided on that name while singing 'This is Amazing Grace' at church on Good Friday...........You know I still can't believe she is here! .....I've already fallen hopelessly in love with everything about her! Just wait until you see her awake Lorelai....she has the bluest eyes just like you two and I think she has Rory's lips and ears..." Logan said excitedly.

"I love her just suits her so well!" Lorelai said not taking her eyes from her sleeping granddaughter. "I'm glad you didn't name her Lorelai...I think there's enough in the family already! I like it that she has her own strong name. You two have done so're going to be such a special little family..."

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