Chapter 17: Boys

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Lorelai was about to give her reply when she was suddenly aware of her babies moving around together.

"Oh my...what are you two up to in there? These boys are sure going to be active! I say we should take the house and move to Hartford!" Lorelai said with a smile.

"Okay that sounds like we might have a sale! Justin we would like to make an offer of $600,000, Luke said without hesitation.

Luke and Lorelai drove home in silence after being dropped back at the agency. When they were  back in their driveway, they suddenly looked at each other, mirroring a slightly worried expression.

"Did we just buy a house?" Lorelai asked as she took in the familiar surroundings of their front yard.

"I believe we did....I guess we should celebrate..." Luke said tentatively as he stepped out of the car. "It's been a huge day!"

"It's been massive! I still can't believe we're having boys!" Lorelai said as she dashed to the bathroom.

"I'll get started on must be starving by now!" Luke called out to his wife.

As Luke quickly prepared some vegetables in the kitchen, he smiled as he imagined himself cooking in the amazing kitchen in their new house. He could picture his sons playing in the living room and then the whole family sitting around the dining table together. It was beginning to seem real.

"You look deep in thought..." Lorelai observed as she entered the kitchen, putting her arms around Luke.

"Just picturing us in our new house...I was imagining the boys know I am pretty thrilled at the idea that after all of these years I am going to be a father ....I am going to have sons! You are so know that...." Luke said kissing his wife gently.

"You're pretty amazing yourself!" Lorelai replied deepening their kiss."I'm glad we decided on the house...that's one less thing on my mind and we never would have survived with the boys in this little place...Paul Anka will love the yard at Hartford ...although I expect he will take some time to settle in..."

"As long as he doesn't think he is sleeping in our room...there will have to be some rules..." Luke said firmly.

"He heard you!" Lorelai said looking down at her faithful friend. "He is very sensitive Luke...maybe he will need to be near us, especially at's such a big house..."

"I know you'll get your way...I don't know why I even try..." Luke said defeatedly as he put some pasta on to boil.


"I can't believe you had to go through so much this morning Ace! I just wish I had been there," Logan said as he heard all of the details of Liam running away and almost being hit by a car. "So we should definitely thank the guy who pulled him to safety..."

"I already did...actually you won't believe it..." Rory said tentatively, not knowing for sure how Logan would take the news. "It was Dean Forrester...he had just dropped his kids off at school..."

"That guy you used to date?...The one you saw at the hospital?" Logan asked quite surprised that in the short time they had been back home, Rory had managed to see her ex boyfriend twice.

"Yes...he was very good to us...he was the one who convinced Liam to go back into school...he invited him for a play date with his son Noah...they have a trampoline..." Rory said trying to gauge Logan's reaction.

"I don't know if Liam would be ready to go for a play date yet...what if something were to happen? I think he needs to get settled into school and make that a priority." Logan said firmly.

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