Chapter 31: New Ties

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Susan felt a warm glow rising up her neck and spreading across her cheeks as she took in the surprised smile of the handsome man standing before her and then concentrated on those penetrating eyes. She straightened her hair and cleared her throat before beginning to speak.

"Christopher?" Susan stumbled feeling like a teenager speaking to her crush and willing herself to get it together before she made an absolute fool of herself. She told herself firmly that this was her sister's ex and clearly she had no business having feelings of any kind for him but she had noticed the look in his eyes when he met her the night before. Something was there but she fought hard to push all of that aside for now.

"Wow, you've done well to remember after meeting so many new faces last night!" Christopher beamed still so amazed by the revelations of the night before. "It must have been a huge thing for you to meet your mom and sister after all of these years! I'm blown away and I am only on the fringe of the family."

"Yes I still can't believe it has actually happened! I've waited so long.....I wouldn't say you're on the fringe of the family Christopher .....weren't you married to my sister?" Susan asked trying to clarify Christopher's relationship status but hoping not to sound too intrusive.

"Yes ........we were briefly married and of course we are parents to Rory but we are better as friends.... we have a long history going back to our childhood but we've only ever been able to stay together for short periods....Lorelai was the most amazing mom to Rory but I just never seemed to have my life together at the right time. When I finally married her, she really already belonged to Luke....I should have seen it wouldn't work but I had the opportunity and I took it! I'm just thankful that our relationship has recovered so we can enjoy family occasions together.....Lorelai is so forgiving!"

"Sounds like you have been through a lot," Susan said sensitively, "It's so great you all get on so well! Now what can I get you. Christopher?"

"Just a long black to go....I'm just on my way to my family's firm up the have you worked here long?" Christopher asked as Susan started up the coffee machine.

"Well actually, this place is mine...I bought it about nine years ago after my husband's death. I just needed a change of direction and it really helped. Just the pace of this place was great to take my mind off things and I guess I had always dreamed of having my own patisserie so I could do things my way!" Susan explained as she handed the coffee over to her mesmerised customer.

"Wow! That's really great...I think you and Lorelai will find you have a lot in common...she likes to do things her own way too and she is very enterprising!" Christopher remarked.

"Well it's been nice seeing you again Christopher," Susan commented refusing to take payment for the coffee and also passing him a bag with a warm chocolate croissant inside. "It's on the house! You'll have to stop by again and try some of my famous Lemon Meringue pie!"

"Looks like I've found a new home! Thanks so much Susan....I might catch you again later.....our office coffee machine is out of action!" Christopher said feeling very happy with himself as he headed out the door.

Susan let out a long sigh and told herself she needed to just keep her mind on the job. She knew it would be dangerous to be getting involved with someone who had been so close to her sister. It was just really strange because Christopher was the first man to stir anything inside of her since losing her husband.

"Who was that?" Patrick asked after observing the body language of his boss with their first customer of the day. "He was definitely giving you the eye!"

Susan blushed again feeling embarrassed that their connection was so obvious. "Oh just a family member I met last night..."

"Family member? The way he was looking at you didn't seem like he was a family member! You know I'm never wrong about these things...." Patrick said getting back to his baking.

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