Chapter 36: Christmas Surprises

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Relentless blasts of icy wind continued to shake the living room windows as Rory cleared her throat to explain their unexpected visitor.

"Jess just .....dropped by with the books ......for the boys..." Rory began hesitantly as Jess jumped up off the sofa, still half asleep. "You probably didn't notice his's now pinned under Grandpa's tree!"

"I really should have checked the warnings before I left home," Jess said beginning to feel uncomfortable as Logan eyed him suspiciously in the light of the fire. "I guess I needed a new car anyway..."

"Just as well you weren't in it!" Logan said regretting the fact that his mind had again jumped to conclusions. He knew it was time he stopped feeling jealous of other men in Rory's life but he just didn't know how! "It's been such a terrible day....I just kept wishing I was here and when the roads were so bad I had almost given up on getting home at all!  I had to abandon the Lexus about a mile away....we'll have to get it when the storm finally clears......I'm just so cold!"

"Just stay here by the fire and I'll get you a warm drink..." Rory said heading to the kitchen. "So glad we have gas...the power has been out for hours! Take your wet things off Logan...Will you have a hot cocoa Jess?"

"Sounds good....thanks Rory....sorry to be so much trouble..." Jess muttered feeling more than a little uncomfortable being left there with Logan. "I feel like I'm intruding Logan....but there was just no way of getting home..."

"Don't worry about it Jess..." Logan reassured his visitor. "It's far too dangerous to go anywhere right now......" Then sensing how awkward Jess must have been feeling, Logan continued, "I'm really glad that Rory didn't have to be here by herself with the children......The guest room is made up if you want to go and get settled."

"Thanks Logan...I might go and turn in, I actually have a pretty shocking headache..." Jess said holding his head in his hands as Logan suddenly noticed the sticking plaster on his forehead and the blood that had dripped onto his sweater.

"I didn't realise you had been injured Jess...." Logan said sounding genuinely concerned as Jess swayed a little.

"I'm okay....I think..." Jess said as Logan reached out to steady him. "No.... actually..... I don't .......feel ......real good..."

Rory returned to the living room just as Jess sat back down, his head spinning as he was suddenly hit by a wave of nausea.

"Sorry......but I need to get to the bathroom...I think I'm going to vomit!" Jess said as the room began to spin at great speed!

Logan moved to quickly guide him to the downstairs bathroom. "Ace, perhaps you should get a cold compress for Jess' head...he might have a concussion."

"Oh no! I hope he's okay..." Rory said as she headed back to the kitchen in the dark. "I feel so bad I didn't think of this before...."

Embarrassed and exhausted, Jess eventually made it to the guest room and was so grateful to finally lay his aching head down.  He was just aware of Rory placing something cold on his head and Logan taking his shoes off but very soon everything faded.

As Rory finally lay in Logan's arms, trying to get off to sleep after their eventful Christmas Eve, she flinched every time a strong wind gust slammed violently into their bedroom windows.

"I just feel so scared the glass is going to break!" She admitted to Logan then realised he had almost fallen asleep.

"Don't worry about it's really strong are safe..." Logan mumbled and kissed his wife one last time before his breathing slowed down and he drifted off to sleep.

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