Chapter 8: Homeward Bound

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Cockatoos screeched across grey skies as Rory and Logan made their way around their beachside home for one last time. Ella was sleeping in her pram and it meant they could concentrate on all the last minute jobs and be sure they had packed everything. Frank was going with them and had helped out by packing the car so they were basically ready to leave.

Rory stood looking out the master bedroom window. The sky was overcast this afternoon as clouds had rolled in after lunch, transforming the sea to a corresponding palette of icy metal greys but the sound was the same. That soothing, slow rhythm of waves as they visited the shore before receding to the depths again. It was the lullaby that had calmed Rory on many nights as she waited for sleep to arrive.

"I hope we're doing the right thing leaving our home has been so special...this view is perfect...even today..." Rory said as Logan put his arms around her from behind, pulling her in close.

As they continued to take in the view one last time, three pelicans took off from the water and flew across the sea, all heading in the same direction as they turned this way and that, the air currents, taking them higher and higher.

"It's those three long as we are all heading in the same direction....we'll be in the right place. It will be hard not waking up to all of this but anywhere with you is perfect Ace..." Logan said as he planted a kiss on Rory's head.

"That's beautiful Logan...look at them....they are so far away now...come on, we'd better see if Ella is awake and get to the airport!" Rory said turning to kiss her husband.

The doorbell rang as they were having one final glance around the living room. It was Laura, Finn and Cayden who just couldn't miss another opportunity to see them before they left.

"We are just on our way to the glad you caught us!" Rory said welcoming her friends with a hug. "I am going to miss you all so much! I wish it wasn't such a long flight or I'd be back here more often..."

"I know...and the thought of travelling with children makes the flight seem even longer!" Laura said feeling sympathetic as she thought of how tiring it would be to travel with her Cayden.

"At least we're going on Dad's jet and it will only be us and Frank...we don't have to worry about upsetting other passengers if Ella is unsettled," Logan remarked.

"She'll be an angel, won't you Ella?" Finn asked the sleepy baby as she opened her eyes and smiled. "There...that's a lovely smile for Uncle Finn....just don't forget this face Ella!"

"I'm quite sure she won't're pretty unforgettable and anyway, we will see you in November!" Logan said suddenly feeling quite emotional.

"This is so hard," Rory said as she grabbed her bag and walked to the car alongside of Laura. "You have been such an incredible friend...I don't think I could ever thank you enough for everything you've done for us through the past eight months. I am just going to be Skyping you a whole lot...I don't want to miss out on Cayden growing up! Oh I do wish we could all be together..."

"Well you never know what might happen in the future...." Laura said looking at Finn. "But it will only be about 14 weeks 'til we see you again...maybe even less!"

"I hope so!" Rory said feeling a little more hopeful as she settles Ella in the car before giving her friends one final hug.

"You take care and be sure to let Ella listen to The Wiggles and Playschool...she's got to have a chance at having a proper Aussie accent like her Uncle Finn!" Finn said to Logan and Rory trying to lift the mood but not really succeeding.

As Laura and Finn watched the car pull out of the driveway and disappear down the street, they felt an emptiness and a sadness they had not expected.

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