Chapter 11: Unexpected News

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"Doctor? Why do I need to see a doctor?" Luke asked in response to Lorelai's announcement that she had made an appointment for him this morning.

"It's just a check up Luke...every guy your age has check ups. You get your truck serviced's the same thing only more important! You're going to be the father of need to be at your peak...firing on all cylinders!" Lorelai explained but noticed Luke's furrowed brow and knew she was possibly fighting a losing battle.

"I don't have time for this Lorelai..." Luke said sounding annoyed, "there's so much to do at the diner....we still have to decide whether we are going to move or extend the house and we also will need to look at getting a new family car....and there's the Fall Festival committee that Taylor has roped me's just never ending!"

"Okay Luke just calm down...I made the appointment because I knew you wouldn't! It's about are the most important thing in my life and I really want you to take time to look after yourself. You haven't been yourself lately....It won't take're the first appointment of the day and so you shouldn't have to wait. You'll be back at the diner in no time! Dr Harrison is great. I can guarantee you will like her...she's in high demand!"

"She? I'm not seeing a woman! Whatever happened to Dr Peters? I've been going to him for years!" Luke said, his agitation increasing.

"If you had been to the doctors in the last decade Luke, you would know that Dr Peters retired several years ago!" Lorelai said then reluctantly added, "His granddaughter replaced him..."

"His granddaughter? Has she even finished her training?" Luke looked like he was about to explode.

"Of course she has but if you would rather drive to Harford..." Lorelai began.

"I'm not driving to Hartford ...I don't have time!" Luke said as he walked out the door and jumped into his truck.

He was about to start the engine when he felt bad that he hadn't even kissed Lorelai goodbye.  He couldn't leave like this.  As Luke walked back toward the house, words from their conversation were replaying over in his mind. 'You're the most important thing in my life', 'You need to be at your peak', 'You haven't been yourself lately'.

"Who am I? I don't even know anymore...I thought I was the guy from the diner...April's Dad, Lorelai's husband..." Luke said out loud as he walked through the front door again."But it's all changing..."

"I'm sorry Lorelai...I will go see the new doctor...if it makes you happy..." Luke said pulling his wife close for a kiss. "I'm sure that I'm okay...I probably just need a what time was the appointment?"

" can easily slip out of the diner...I'm sure that Caesar will manage..." Lorelai replied feeling happy about her win. "I'll talk to you later."

Arriving at the doctor's surgery brought back bad memories for Luke. It reminded him of all the occasions he took his dad there in the last year of his life. He nervously flipped through photos on his phone as he waited to be called in.

Within minutes, the surgery door swung open and Dr Harrison called out "Mr Danes?"

Luke followed the young woman into the room and sat down.

"So Mr Danes, what seems to be the problem?" Dr Harrison asked as she tapped away on the keyboard of her computer. "I see you haven't been for a visit for quite a number of years!"

"Well I'm not the kind of person who gets sick...I'm feeling pretty silly being here but my have seen her recently...Lorelai....she made the appointment...she says I need a check up at my age...she's just worrying because we are having twins..." Luke explained nervously as the doctor continued typing.

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