Chapter 29: Reunited

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"Did you just say you're my s-s-sister?" Lorelai stuttered, stunned by the revelation.
Luke didn't know what to think. He stood there staring from one woman to the other. They were the same height and complexion, same high cheekbones and nose. Their voice was also very similar in tone.

"I know it's probably a lot to take in but I started the search for my biological family just over a year ago. I had just lost my adopted mother to cancer and was desperate to find my real mom. When I finally found out her identity I was disappointed that she didn't want to see me but by chance, I saw an article about your Inn in Stars Hollow. It helped me piece together information I had from several articles I had gathered on the Gilmores from society pages in the past. I knew I had to find you!" Susan said conscious that the woman before her was looking very shocked. "Perhaps you should sit down Lorelai...I didn't mean to shock you but you are all I have left. My adoptive father died four years ago and then when I lost Mom, I felt so alone. My husband was in the marines and he died in an accident while training 10 years ago. My daughter has been working overseas so it's just been really hard...."

"I think it would be a very good idea if you sat down Lorelai..." Luke encouraged, "You look a little pale. Let's go through to the study where it's quiet. Perhaps I could get you both some tea..."

"Thank you Luke...perhaps you had better get Mom to come in here..." Lorelai suggested.

"Emily is here?" Susan asked slowly suddenly looking nervous again. "I don't want to cause any trouble...she didn't want me to contact her..."

"You're not causing trouble at all Susan..." Lorelai said feeling everything from excited to terrified about where this was all leading. "So can I ask when were you born?"

"January 1st 1964. All I know is that I was put up for adoption by an unwed mother." Susan explained noticing a strange smile on Lorelai's face, "And my biological parents sent me a Christmas and birthday present every year until I turned 21....I didn't understand it when I was a child although I loved the gifts...I still have most of them!"

Luke returned with tea and was pleased to see that Lorelai's colour had returned and she looked happy enough now. "Emily will be here in a moment..."

"Thanks Luke...perhaps you should get Paris to be on standby ....Mom could be in for a big shock!" Lorelai advised as she poured tea for their guest.

"Oh I do hope Emily will be alright....I really didn't think this through....I should have known you would be spending Thanksgiving together....I just wanted to find someone I was really related to...I just needed to know where I came from." Susan explained.

"Mom will be fine....she's just got a lot of explaining to do!" Lorelai said just as Emily entered the study.

"Lorelai...what is going on?...Luke wouldn't tell me....oh....." Emily said suddenly stopping still as if frozen, her heart quickening it's pace in her chest.

"Mom....come and sit with us..." Lorelai said smiling. "This is Susan Hayes...........your daughter!"

Silence fell over the room as Emily studied Susan's features and Susan took in the face of the woman who had given her away almost 54 years ago.

Susan rose to shake hands with her mother, "Hi....I'm so pleased to meet you at last..."

Emily didn't speak. First she seemed transfixed as she held onto Susan's hand that fit so well inside of hers, their long fingers almost identical. She stared into the younger brown eyes which had now filled with tears and her own eyes soon brimmed with the unshed tears of the years. Lorelai watched this moment unfold and while having thought it would be very entertaining to hear how her mother would explain her way out of this, she suddenly felt a deep sense of pity. Not yet knowing how this could have come about, Lorelai's mind had already created a scenario where a young Emily was left with no choice but to give her child up for adoption. She knew that having a child out of wedlock in the 1960's would have been a catastrophe, especially for a society family! Lorelai felt her own eyes tearing up as she imagined the pain she would have felt if Rory had been taken from her.

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