Chapter 25: Blue Bottle

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Three days and nights passed by, each of them very exhausting for Rory as she endeavoured to care for Ella through the worst of the virus. Feeding her every two to three hours was like having a newborn again and it had taken its toll on her. Logan did his best to help through the night, sitting with Ella while she breathed in the medication from the nebuliser. Both parents were completely spent but were so thankful to see their baby daughter finally showing signs that she was improving. She had begun to feed for longer and started to enjoy attention from her cousins again.

Cayden had also turned the corner and Laura and Finn were hoping he would be released very soon. Logan was anxious to return to Hartford. He had been receiving daily updates from Mitchum and working until all hours on his laptop.

One morning while Ella was sleeping, Rory decided to take the boys to the park at Shelley Beach and then down to the ocean pool for a paddle, leaving Logan to work in peace. Liam and Jacob had been so good all throughout the week while so much attention was being given to Ella and Rory felt like they definitely needed a reward. After smothering them with sunscreen and making them put on their hats, they were ready to go. It was hot for mid November and Rory was glad that she had found the swim suit she had worn last summer, it accommodated her changing figure very well.

Setting off down the esplanade, the boys ran ahead of Rory, the wind blowing their rather long curls as they pointed out their favourite dogs from the great variety who were out for their morning walks.

"Auntie Rory?" Liam began, "Could we please get a dog like that when we get home?"

Rory hadn't had much experience with dogs, her mother having only acquired Paul Anka when she had already moved out. She thought for a few moments about how good it might be for Liam in helping him get over the death of his parents.

"How about we ask your uncle when we get back?" Rory suggested. "There's a lot to think about when deciding to adopt a pet Liam. I do love the look of that one though — he looks very friendly!"

"I hope Uncle Logan lets us," Liam replied happily. "I promise I would feed it and walk it!"

"Well that's really important but we will talk about it more when we get home. The whole family needs to be on board," Rory advised as they arrived at the park.

"I want a cat instead," Jacob said, bringing a frown to his brother's face.

"You can't take a cat for a walk and they can scratch you silly," Liam teased as they ran toward the play equipment. "They are not as good as dogs!"

"Oh yes they are!" Jacob shouted. "You don't know everything Liam!"

Rory smiled. She loved the way the boys were such unique individuals. They often fought over their different opinions. She had learned to let them 'discuss' things without intervening unless completely necessary. Logan had been teaching them the importance of listening to what others say and valuing their ideas and opinions. Rory could see a bit of Mitchum in Liam at times. He could be stubborn and it was difficult to change his mind once he was set on an idea. Jacob was more laid back like this father and would eventually give in. He was definitely the peace maker of the family!

Sitting in the shade of an ancient palm tree, Rory sipped on her water.  She was glad to rest for a few minutes as she had been feeling a little light headed on the way. Taking some deep breaths and slowly letting them out, she noticed that Jacob had already made friends with a little girl with straight blonde hair, probably around his age. Rory felt proud of her nephew as she watched him helping the girl climb up the tower which led to his favourite slippery dip. She was obviously a little tentative but he kept on encouraging her!

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