Chapter 5: Independence Day

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Waking up on Independence Day, 10 000 miles from home felt strange to Lorelai. She hadn't ever been so far away from home for this special day. Here in Australia, it was just like any other day but at home, the Inn would be busy with tourists making the most of the holiday. At home, the 4th of July would be marked with a public holiday, fireworks, carnivals, parades, concerts, baseball game and get togethers with family and friends. Here, it just seemed wrong with it being winter!

The season aside, there was plenty to celebrate today as Rory was hopefully coming home with Ella. She had been doing very well now that Rory's milk had come in and despite all the stress surrounding the first couple of days of her life, Ella was thriving, having gained several ounces! Rory and Logan had been seeing a counsellor in the hospital so they were starting to feel a little more relaxed.

The guest room at the house had been taken care of, under Finn's instructions. His younger sister, Melissa had organised a complete makeover, just to ensure that coming home didn't stir up too many unpleasant memories. Having her own interior design company, she was able to get a team together to have it mostly finished in just two days. With a wallpaper feature wall, stunning padded bedhead and unique new side tables and dressing table, the room looked completely different. An elegant chandelier made a dramatic statement and was complemented by exquisite bedside lamps and other decorator items.

Knowing Rory's love for literature, Melissa had a selection of books placed on some antique shelves, next to a very comfortable chair. The ensuite had also been made over by replacing the vanity unit and mirror. The new towels and other accessories finished it all off so wonderfully! She had also organised to have a variety of indoor plants incorporated into the decor of the rest of the house, just to give it a fresh feel and hopefully distract Rory and Logan enough to prevent their thoughts from returning to the drama with Odette. Finn had also organised for extra security cameras to be installed to bring more peace of mind to his friends.

Luke was arriving at 8:30am so Lorelai was getting Frank to drive her to the airport. They hadn't been away from each other long but so much had happened! She decided to wait until they were back at the house to fill him in. Just before Lorelai left, Laura had popped by to fill the fridge and pantry with meals and treats to welcome the little family home.

"Thank you Laura! Rory will be thrilled with this! She's not really into cooking at the best of times but having a baby around will just add to the degree of difficulty!" Lorelai remarked as she helped Laura unload her car. "This is so did you ever find time to cook when you have a baby yourself?"

"Mum helped me out - she made the pulled pork and brisket. I cook when Cayden is asleep - thankfully he sleeps pretty well!" Laura replied as she unloaded the last meals into the fridge, including hot dog ingredients.

"Well I really appreciate your kindness and I'm sure that Rory will be particularly excited to see all of the cake,cookies and hot dogs!" Lorelai said eyeing off the delicious cake that Laura placed on the counter. It had little American flags on it and looked great with the celebratory bunting that Laura strung across the window.

"I'd do anything to make things easier for Rory and Logan - they deserve a break! The house seems so different...I love the plants!" Laura said looking around the living area.

"Yeah it's amazing the difference they make...come and have a look at the guest was so lovely of Finn to have it all made over..." Lorelai said opening the door to reveal the makeover. "That man constantly surprises me!"

"Wow! I would hardly know it was the same room! I love it!" Laura said as she walked around the room feeling the opulent fabrics and finishes. "This will definitely make a difference and help us all to forget what happened here."

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