Chapter 38: The Fire

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The eerie sound of sirens approaching Emily's house brought some hope to the family and friends who watched helplessly as fire seemed to engulf several rooms of the second storey building. Paris had called Tristan to alert him of the situation and he had left his family Christmas celebration immediately to be there once he knew Ella was in danger. He arrived just before the emergency crews and was shocked to see the extent of the fire. His heart broke seeing Rory looking so distraught and instinctively he rushed to her side, protectively embracing her and speaking calming words to her.

"As soon as they bring Ella out, I will check her over and will go with her in the ambulance...." Tristan promised trying to keep Rory's hopes up amid the chaos. "I'll make sure she gets the best's going to be alright Rory....I'm here for you..."

Rory couldn't respond but clung to Tristan. She was shaking all over as fire crews rushed into the house with hoses and ambulances arrived further down the street. Within seconds, a fireman emerged carrying Luke who had been overcome by smoke while trying to rescue Jess. Lorelai held her breath as she waited to find out if he was okay.  A paramedic gave him oxygen straight away but all he wanted to do was to speak.

"Logan ....Logan got through to Ella....." Luke managed to say before blacking out.

This piece of information provided temporary hope for Rory but she still prayed fervently as another firefighter emerged. Liz gasped when she realised it was Jess over his shoulder. Luke had dragged him to safety but had not been able to carry him down the stairs. Rory was scared to look at him. Her heart couldn't take this at all!

"The others are all trapped in rooms at the end of the passageway and they are not able to reach them now so they will have to continue the rescue using ladders," T.J. reported. He had not been able to get in through the balcony but he reported that he could hear voices.

Paris barked orders to the paramedics as she monitored Luke and Jess then shouted to the firefighters about to attempt a rescue from a ladder, "My pregnant friend has her baby, husband, father and grandmother in there...don't let her down!"

What seemed like hours was in fact just minutes and very soon Ella was being lifted to safety.  Tristan took her gently in his arms and rushed her to the closest ambulance, placing an oxygen mask over her face and checking her over.

He was soon joined by Rory who was so relieved to see her daughter seemed to be unharmed. "Is she going to be alright Tristan? Is my baby okay?"

"Everything is alright Rory...thanks to her great grandmother who got to her in time....she apparently grabbed a wet towel from the ensuite and covered her with it and kept her close while they lay on the floor...she probably saved Ella's life!" Tristan reported as he continued to check all of Ella's responses. "Logan found them there then he took care of Ella."

Rory was taking it all in but looking toward the house for signs of Logan however it appeared that Francine was next to be lifted to safety. Paris and the paramedics surrounded her, looking very concerned. Francine was quite blue, already having a tendency to be asthmatic. She was unconscious and would need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Lorelai was relieved when Luke opened his eyes and grasped her hand. He was going to be fine but was very concerned for the others.

"It was really bad in hard to see..." Luke coughed beneath his oxygen mask as tears streamed from his eyes. "Is Jess okay? I just couldn't carry him...and what about Ella?"

"She's fine...don't you worry Luke...they just brought Francine out..." Lorelai said trying to see the woman who had saved her grand daughter. "Thank God she was there to take care of Ella!"

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