Chapter19. Goodbye

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"Jacob,'s alright, we're here....Logan call your Mom...she probably knows all about this...." Rory said calmly taking charge of the situation.

"Mommy used to put him in the bathroom with the shower on....she sat in there with him on a little chair..." Liam suddenly said, jumping up and running to get the little chair from his room.

"Okay, let's get you into the bathroom Jacob!" Rory said, scooping him out of bed.

By the time she walked there, Logan was off the phone and had beaten her to it. Steam was already filling the bathroom.

"It's croup," Logan said quietly to Rory. "Mom says he is prone to it when the seasons change. It's a viral thing and often starts with a mild cold....he did seem a bit sniffly earlier in the week....Anyway she suggested I send Frank out to buy a vapouriser to put in his room to keep the air moist. The main thing is to reassure him and keep him calm..."

"Okay...I have actually heard of of Lane's boys gets it...his airways would swell and it was hard to breathe in...I remember hearing the bark over the phone one time..." Rory whispered to Logan.

"I want Mommy! .....Mommy!" Jacob cried between barks.

"It's okay Jacob," Liam was quick to say, "Auntie Rory is our Mommy now ....she will look after you....she can sing to you in the bathroom like Mommy used to...."

Logan and Rory paused and looked at each other as Liam ran off again to his room. Moments later he reappeared and handed his favourite bear to his little brother. Rory was so touched. Not having had a sibling when she grew up, she was amazed at how this six year old was so caring!

"Your Auntie Rory can sing quite well...I've heard her singing to Ella...thanks so much're such a good big brother!" Logan said as Rory sat with Jacob and began to sing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'.

"Come on Liam," Logan said taking his nephew's hand, "Let's get you back to bed. Jacob will be fine."

"Uncle Logan," Liam began, "I really missed Mommy and Daddy today at the party. They would have really loved it!"

"Yeah I missed them too Liam," Logan admitted. "But they are with Jesus in Heaven and that is better than the best party in the whole world!"

"But when I think about them being there, it hurts here," Liam said holding his chest and frowning.

Logan swallowed hard, "It hurts me too Liam...I know that's called grief and it happens when we really love someone but can't be with them."

"Will it go away?" Liam asked, "I don't like it! I feel scared when it comes."

"It will get better Liam," Logan said looking into the dark brown eyes of his nephew and pushing aside the blonde curls from his forehead. "It just takes time and lots of hugs. You know your Auntie and I are always here for you and we will hold you when it hurts and help you to remember the happy times you had with your Mom and Dad. We'll also help you to remember it's okay to enjoy all the happy times we are having now."

"Do you think they mind that we are having fun without them?" Liam asked as Logan lay down with him.

"I'm sure they would be really happy to see you both playing with your friends and having lots of fun," Logan reassured the tired little boy.

"Uncle Logan, can you ask Jesus to tell them we had fun at Auntie Rory's birthday party?" Liam asked as his eyes began to close.

"Sure, let's pray; Jesus, thank You for the great time at the party today. Thank You for the jumping castle and animals and all our family and friends who came. Liam wants his Mom and Dad to know that he had a great time today but he's missing them...we are all missing them! Please look after them and take care of Jacob too and make his croup better really quickly. Give us all a good sleep, and help the pain to go away, amen." Logan finished and realised his little nephew was sound asleep.

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