Chapter 40: A Beautiful Interruption

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Just wanted to share with you all, the reason for my lack of writing, despite having been committed to getting on with this story. On Wednesday 30th January, I became a grandmother for the first time! I know that makes me sound very old but I can assure you I'm not at all! I am feeling so incredibly blessed and can not believe how much love I have for my darling Everly Adeline!

As I was leaving the hospital after my first visit, I realised that the feelings inside of me were even stronger than I remember when I gave birth to my own three children. It was a mixture of first love like I experienced when I fell in love with my husband and the greatest joy I had ever known!

Despite the fact that this baby has a home of her own, I have been doing the whole 'nesting' thing throughout this past month, tidying and cleaning so I am ready to be the best grandma I can be! While this has not left time for writing, I believe that the whole experience of entering this new phase of life, will be good for my writing once I get my head out of the clouds!

I've been taking in every detail, each word and expression of all the family, particularly Everly's mum and dad. It's so special to see my daughter become a mum! She is radiant even through the pain, resilient through the sleepless nights and resolute to be the best mother she can be! This morning I was texting her and giving encouragement after a very bad night and she said, "It's been my dream job forever to be a mum."!

My daughter's words brought more than a tear to my eye as she is just two weeks away from her 24th birthday. While having enjoyed several years successfully working in hospital administration, she has finally found her calling, the highest calling of all —motherhood!

So sorry to keep you waiting for an update! I feel so bad as I am committed to finishing Precious Ties: The Gift, so I have published the beginning of the next chapter below, with the promise that I will do my best to complete it when life returns to normal!
Helen Louise 💗

Weak rays of sunshine signalled the break of dawn on Boxing Day, bringing a glimmer of hope for all who had been touched by the shocking fire that had brought Christmas Day celebrations to an abrupt end. Rory had spent the night at the hospital watching over her daughter. Tristan had monitored Ella for hours, only leaving for home when he was happy with her progress and felt it unlikely there would be any further complications.

Logan had coughed throughout the night but was already awake and well enough to visit his girls. He managed to pass by the nurse's station unnoticed and soon stood watching his wife and daughter sleep. After several minutes, Ella finally stirred. Wanting Rory to get as much sleep as possible, Logan spoke quietly to his daughter as he picked her up for a cuddle.

"Hello my beautiful girl!" Logan whispered, holding Ella up at eye level. "Don't you have the most gorgeous smile this morning? You're just like your Mommy...yes you are ......and sooo brave! ......I was so scared when I couldn't find you in all the smoke yesterday....I'm so thankful your Grandma Francine was looking after you....You know you are so special to me....I can't tell you how much I love you Ella....I would do anything for you...and Mommy and Liam and Jacob....oh you're probably wondering where they are! ....Your Auntie Laura and Uncle Finn had them stay for a sleepover....don't worry, you'll get a turn one day but right now, I'm not letting you out of my sight! You're stuck with me baby!"

"Logan?....Did you say something?" Rory asked sleepily. "I thought I heard you say you're stuck..."

"Good morning Ace!" Logan said bringing Ella over to her bed. "We were just chatting...Ella and I that is...she is looking quite bright and happy this morning, although I would say she will want a feed pretty soon!"

"You're such a happy girl Ella! Mommy will be with you in a moment after I've been to the bathroom...can you be a patient girl for Daddy?" Rory asked her baby girl as she headed to the hospital ensuite.

"Da-da...Da-da..." Ella replied, stopping Rory in her tracks.

"Hey! What did you say? You are such a clever girl!" Rory exclaimed. "Did you hear what she said Logan?"

"Yes I certainly did!" Logan said, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "You are so smart little won't be long and you'll be telling us all what to do! Liam and Jacob will be so surprised that you're talking!"

"Speaking of the boys," Rory called out from the bathroom, "Have you heard from Finn or Laura this morning? I do hope they slept alright!"

"No I haven''s probably a bit early....they are most likely sleeping in," Logan assumed but was surprised when there was a knock at the door, followed by some familiar little voices.

"Daddy....I missed you!" Jacob said as he rushed toward Logan. Rory arrived back just in time to take Ella so the excited little boy could run into Logan's arms.

"Hey Jacob....hey Liam...come and tell me what you've been doing at Uncle Finn and Auntie Laura's..." Logan requested hugging them both, so thankful for his mate who had brought them in.

"Well....We did some cooking and painting with Auntie Laura..." Liam said deep in thought.

"And we built a huge castle with Uncle Finn's Lego!" Jacob added. "Then he took us for a sleigh ride and we got to sleep in a bed that Uncle Finn made!"

"Wow! You guys are pretty lucky!" Logan exclaimed."I hope Uncle Finn isn't too worn out!"

"Not at all! We had loads of fun with Aria and Jack while Auntie Laura played with Cayden and Alexis.  We even brought some Lego to build something for Ella while we visit." Finn said passing a bag to the boys.

"You have thought of everything Finn! Thanks so much...I really missed the boys but it looks like you have managed to distract them and keep their minds from all the drama they witnessed yesterday." Rory said feeling deeply thankful for the blessings.

"No worries Love!" Finn said as he sat down to watch the boys. "How has Ella been?"

"She's been great really....Tristan stayed to monitor her for hours just to be sure she was okay...." Rory reported.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I heard his car coming in at 3am....Laura was up with Cayden...he's teething!" Finn said suddenly wishing he was with his beautiful wife who seemed to just keep going despite being pregnant.

A lot had happened in the past year since they had met after Logan's accident. They had been through more than some couples did in a lifetime! They had an amazing, deep connection that Finn thought he would never have with any woman! He knew that God had truly blessed him and he just couldn't wait to welcome their first child into the world. He just hoped it was a bit less dramatic for Laura than Cayden's arrival almost a year ago.

"Boys, where are your special invitations?" Finn inquired, coming back to reality. "I think we put them in your backpacks....they must be there somewhere..."

Liam and Jacob rummaged through their little backpacks and finally pulled out their slightly crumpled invitations to Cayden's first birthday party.

"We are all invited's going to be so much fun!" Liam shouted as he pushed the invitation into Logan's hands.

More to come soon my friends! 💕

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