Chapter 23: Extended Stay

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"Let's get him straight to the car.  We can be at the hospital in less than ten minutes," Finn said as he grabbed a light blanket to wrap around Cayden and threw a few things into the nappy bag while Laura held her distressed son in her arms. "Don't worry, everything will be alright Love."

Laura's nursing experience was her greatest enemy as she knew all too well that this could be serious! She had been warned by Cayden's paediatrician that he could be more prone to chest issues due to being born so early. They rushed out to the car briefly explaining the situation to Rory and Logan. Their friends said they would stay and tidy up before they left to go home. They had been very concerned to see how quickly Cayden had suddenly become ill.

A short while later, Cayden was being examined by a paediatric doctor in the ER. He placed him on a nebuliser to open up his airways.

"His nose was a little stuffy last night but he seemed fine this morning. Do you have any idea what is wrong? Surely it's not asthma, he's too young!" Laura said wanting answers quickly.

Finn's arm was around his fiancée as they waited to see signs of improvement.

"We have had quite a few cases of Bronchiolitis the past couple of weeks....Your son has all the classic's a viral infection that can begin with what looks like a mild cold.......assuming there are no complications, it should clear within 12 days. The worst of it should be over in the next few days but I see here, he was a premmie so it's quite possible it could take him a little longer," the doctor explained. "He is responding to the medication in the nebuliser, which is a positive sign but I would like to admit him just to keep an eye on him. We need to be careful that he doesn't get dehydrated as often babies don't feel like drinking when breathing takes so much effort."

Laura was expecting this but dreaded the thought of a hospital stay after the many weeks he spent there after he was born. Cayden had settled off to sleep so the doctor excused himself to arrange for a room for him in the children's wing. Laura and Finn sat silently looking at the the little boy they loved so much, both praying that everything would be alright.

"It never gets any easier," Laura remarked, "Not knowing which way something like this will go..."

"I know Love..." Finn said taking Laura's hands in his, "But God is hearing our prayers and He will take good care of Cayden....we just have to trust Him."

"You're right Finn," Laura responded, feeling so thankful for this man who loved her son like his own and was always so filled with faith and positivity. "I don't know what I would do if....."

"We don't have to think about anything like that," Finn reassured her. "He's getting the best treatment and we need to believe that he will be better in 12 days like the doctor said."

"I'm sorry..." Laura said tearfully, "It just brings back memories of sitting with Blake...but I have to be strong for Cayden....he needs me......"

"That's right," Finn comforted, "and you know Rory and Logan are praying for him too....not to mention your family...."

"Oh no!" Laura exclaimed, "Cayden was all over Ella this afternoon....I never would have let him near her if I'd thought he was's a very contagious virus!"

"Let's not worry about that right now," Finn said wisely, "She may be perfectly fine. We'll get Rory and Logan to watch out for symptoms....."

"Yeah I will call Rory in a little while and explain everything...." Laura said as Finn tenderly massaged her shoulders to try to relieve the tension. "You're just so good to me Finn!"

Laura spun around and embraced the man that she had come to rely on more and more each day. Finn kissed the top of her head and held her tight, wanting so much to take away all the worries of the hours and days ahead.

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