Chapter 4: The Kidnapping

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"Mrs Huntzberger, I think it would be best if you would come and sit down over here," the Hospital CEO suggested.

"I'm not sitting down until my baby is safe in my arms!" Rory said emphatically.

"I think my daughter has been through enough in the past few days," Lorelai added. "How about you just concentrate on getting my granddaughter out of there safely. This really shouldn't have happened! What kind of security lets someone like that into the maternity wing? I demand a full investigation ...this is just unacceptable!"

Rory could hear Ella really crying a lot now. "She's due for a feed...I just want my baby...please....please have to do something!"

"She wouldn't listen to me Ace...we will have to come up with a different approach..." Logan said helplessly as the policemen looked into the possibility of accessing the storeroom from an outside window.

"Mr Huntzberger, I believe you have some connection to Miss Duval... Do you have any idea what was behind the kidnapping?" The hospital CEO asked trying to get some understanding of what they were dealing with.

"We were engaged...she had a miscarriage...she stabbed my friend here and held a knife over my wife while she was in labour in our home...she wanted our baby....she must have escaped from the Psyche unit across the road.....but I don't think she will hurt Ella because she seems to believe she is the son she miscarried. Maybe you should call the other hospital....they were evaluating her mental health .... they might have some idea what to do......"

There were sympathetic looks from nurses who had not realised how much the couple had already been through. This was followed by a flurry of activity. Phonecalls were made but every second that passed without Ella was torture to Rory. The desperation on her face prompted Logan to keep on prodding those in authority.

"We are concerned that Ella needs feeding... " Logan said to the CEO. "Perhaps someone could tell her they will help her feed the baby if she opens the door."

The CEO thought this was a good idea and spoke to the psychologist while Ella's crying continued, distressing Rory, Logan, Lorelai and Finn.  A nurse had tried to take Finn to his room but he had insisted there was no way he was going to leave until his friend's baby was safe. As he had done the other day, Finn prayed, pleading with God to keep Ella safe. He was so distressed for his friends. Logan looked close to tears himself as he tried to comfort Rory.

The psychologist stepped up to the door and called out, "Miss Duval, your baby sounds like it needs to be fed....if you open the door and come out, I can give you a bottle..."

"I'm fine thank baby is fine....just leave me alone!" Odette said.

As minutes slipped by and the crying continued, the head of psychology who had evaluated Odette at the public hospital, suddenly came rushing down the corridor. After a brief conversation with the other professionals present, it looked like some action was going to be taken.

"Odette," The doctor said calmly at the door, "It's Elaine your friend from the hospital.......I have someone on the phone who would like to talk with you...perhaps I could hold your baby for you while you take the call..."

Odette didn't respond at first and for a few moments, Ella seemed to stop crying, which only made Rory panic more than before!

"Do you think she's alright Logan? I just want to hold her...oh God please don't let something happen to our baby!" Rory pleaded.

Before Logan could answer, Ella began to cry again and Odette slowly opened the door. Elaine indicated to everyone to move away out of sight and she went inside the storeroom with Odette.

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