Chapter 27: Thanksgiving

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Logan and Rory stood in shocked silence as their unexpected guest walked through to the living room. Coming to his senses, Logan finally closed the front door and said he would go see Fran to set some more places at the dinner table.

Rory was well and truly awake now as Paris began her tirade! As Logan returned to the living room to join them, Paris passed baby Alexis to him.

"She probably needs changing Logan," Paris suggested, "The diaper bag is in the foyer."

Logan looked stunned but left the room, obediently! Rory sat down and prepared herself to hear Paris' story. Her friend was already pacing around the room, getting faster and more agitated by the minute!

"It's a complete disaster Rory —I'm ruined!" Paris began, her voice loud and filled with emotion.

"Paris...I'm here for you," Rory promised wondering what that would entail, "I'm listening, go ahead..."

"I don't even know where to start....this shouldn't have happened to me!" Paris said, ramping up her pacing. "See these clothes I'm wearing.....this is virtually all I have left! I've lost the house, the business, the car! I had to borrow money from the nanny to get a cab here....and I've lost the nanny too!"

Rory was shocked and wondered if Paris was exaggerating for effect. "How? ...You have your Dynasty Makers centres ....they are everywhere!"

"Had Rory, had...........It all started when I needed my lawyer to help out with a work situation...a disgruntled client ...I should never have taken her on in the beginning," Paris said sounding a little calmer as she recalled the events. "My lawyer charges quite a lot...he's one of the best..... and as I tried to transfer the fee for the first instalment, over to his account, the transaction was declined due to insufficient funds! Of course I immediately contacted the bank and they informed me of the numerous large withdrawals made from that account. I couldn't understand and asked them to check the other investment accounts...... It was all gone....the last wages drawn for my staff had completely cleaned out the very last dollar! To top it all off, my lawyer lost the case and we are up for over $1.5M! I could only pay that off by selling the 'Dynasty Makers' brand! We owed money on the house and the business properties so there is literally nowhere to doubt it will end up all over the papers..."

"That is so awful Paris! You have worked so hard! .....But where did all the money go?" Rory said feeling shocked and upset for her friend.

"When Doyle and I got back together before Alexis was born, he said we needed to show that we trusted each other by having all the accounts in both our names.......I trusted him Rory.....I can't believe that all I have worked hard for is gone......all of it taken by that conniving, irresponsible, selfish, liar of a husband!" Paris yelled, startling Rory. "He drained every single one of our accounts....and then borrowed against the house and my businesses...."

"Why? .....What did he want the money for?" Rory asked needing to understand the situation but hoping her question would not provoke any further anger.

"Supposedly he was helping to fund an 'independent' movie that he thought would lift his profile, make him rich!" Paris said, her pacing increasing in speed again. "He wanted to make a name for himself and secure an early I'll never be able to retire! I literally have nothing Rory.....nothing! Somehow he even drained the money we had been putting into accounts for the children and their education!"

"Oh that's terrible Paris! I'm so sorry for you's hard to believe he would do something so risky, especially with your businesses!" Rory responded, shaking her head in disbelief.

"And that isn't all..." Paris said choking back tears, "He was seeing someone....some second rate actress.....who was of course starring in the movie. The worst thing is that it was going on throughout most of my's probably why he missed Alexis' birth!"

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