The rookie (Dennis Smith Jr.)

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Today was the first Maverick game of the season you were a huge fan you watch every single game and go to as many as you can. Once you entered the arena the line was long and you were already late as it is "Can we move it along please lifetime fan here " You yelled . The line looked back at you and turned back to the front . You looked at the time on your phone "Darn I am going to miss the warm up and I love seeing the warm up " You said. "Next" The ticket person said . You looked up "Oh that's me" you said as you handed him the ticket. He gave it back and you went go find your seat . As you were looking for your seat you realized that it wasn't were you normally sat . "Omg I am in the front row " You said . Soon you found your seat "Wow best seat ever" You said while chewing popcorn . You then noticed a cute guy practicing. "This is the best day ever I got the best seat and a cute guy in front of me " You said then realized you said it out loud. The guy looked up and laughed " So I am cute " He said . "I am so sorry I meant to say that in my head " You said nervously. "It's cool what's your name" He said . "My name is Y/n " You said. "That's a nice name " He said smiling . "What's your name " You asked . "My name is - " He was interrupted by the lights dimming meaning the game was about to start "I gotta go just listen to the announcer" he said waving. Then everyone moved off the court. The announcer began announcing names everyone ran out then the announcer said " Last but not least our dunk master give it up for Dennis Smith Jr " He yelled . Dennis then came out and smiled at you and waved to the crowd . When the game was over he asked you if you wanted to get pizza you said yes and you guys hung out the rest of the night.

The End 😁

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